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Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
201220 років кафедрі: історичний зрізКавалеров, А. І.
20222022 р.: перспективи партнерства Україна – Європейський Союз крізь призму методу оцінки можливостей та оцінки намірівКостюк, Тетяна Олександрівна
20224th Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software EngineeringKiv, Arnold; Ків, Арнольд; Semerikov, Serhiy; Soloviev, Vladimir; Striuk, Andrii
2017500 гривень: УНР та Незалежна УкраїнаГиря, А. С.
20219th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education: ReportKiv, Arnold; Semerikov, Serhiy; Shyshkina, Maria; Striuk, Andrii; Striuk, Mykola; Yechkalo, Yuliia; Mintii, Iryna; Nechypurenko, Pavlo; Kalinichenko, Olga; Kolgatina, Larisa; Vlasenko, Kateryna; Amelina, Svitlana; Semenikhina, Olena; Ків, Арнольд
2021A brief analysis of phonetic mistakes made by russion speakers while learning Chinese and their countermeasuresZou Xinge
2020A brief analysis of the differences in thinking mode between the east and the west represented by Chinese and English languagesShen Kaiwen
2021A brief analysis of the reasons for the vigorous development of teaching chinese as a foreign language in ThailandZou Xinge
2017A brief analysis of time‒prepositions in the russian languageZhou Jiajia
2023A brief discussion on motivation of chinese language learning for students majoring in translation studies at confucius institute of south ukrainian national pedagogical university named after K. D. UshynskyDuan Junyu
2020A brief discussion on the cross-cultural teaching of national custom-related words (on the material of the text-book “Developing Chinese”)Lao Yanwen
2022A brief discussion on vocabulary teaching within a comprehensive course of chinese as a foreign languageHe Miao
2017A brief introduction to the use of media language in teaching сhinese as a foreign languageYang Zhao
2019A competency-based approach as a strategy for updating modern training of future natural sciences bachelorsGramatyk, Nadiia
2019A Conceptual Approach to Student Study Printing: The Role and Place of Creative CompositionОрос, Іван Васильович; Oros, Ivan Vasyliovych
2022A contrastive study of chinese "ba" sentences and their english counterpartssLiu Shuo
2024A Correlation Analysis Between Chinese College Students’ Rhythm of English Reading Aloud and Their Virtual Language EnvironmentDong Jingwen
2024A Correlation Analysis between Chinese College Students’ Rhythm of English Reading Aloud and their Virtual Language EnvironmentDong Jingwen
2019A heuristic method for transmission designІванова, Світлана Володимирівна; Ivanova, Svitlana Volodymyrivna; Іванов, Віктор Володимирович; Dimitrov, Lubomir; Naleva, Galyna
2023A man as a beneficiary of local self-government: ontological, axiological and praxeological approaches to the determination of functional-status paradigms and continuumБаймуратов, Михайло Олександрович; Кофман, Борис Якович; Kofman, Boris Yakovych