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Назва: Теоретичні основи військово-спеціальної підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-психологів запасу
Інші назви: Theoretical basis of military special training of future reserve officers-psychologists
Автори: Черкун, Ігор Анатолійович
Cherkun, Ihor
Ключові слова: військово-спеціальна підготовка
майбутні офіцери-психологи запасу
педагогічна система
military special training
future reserve officers-psychologists
educational system
Дата публікації: 2015
Видавництво: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Бібліографічний опис: Черкун І. А. Теоретичні основи військово-спеціальної підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-психологів запасу / І. А. Черкун // Наука І освіта. - 2015. - №8. - С.191-196.
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті розглядається військово-спеціальна підготовка майбутніх офіцерів-психологів запасу в умовах вищих навчальних закладів. Проаналізовано провідні теоретичні підходи до системи військово-спеціальної підготовки офіцерів-психологів запасу та виділено основні педагогічні засади організації зазначеного процесу у сучасному вищому навчальному закладі. Визначено характеристику педагогічної системи військово- спеціальної підготовки офіцерів-психологів запасу. ее реализации.Ukraine’s joining the Bologna Process and creation of the European Higher Education Area require improvement of professional skills of specialists of all branches. The reforming of the educational system of Ukraine is impossible without carrying out new research in the sphere of training future reserve officers-psychologists because the specific character of their activities provides the necessity of implementing psychological and pedagogical technologies that would enable them to master the art of personnel management, the process of training, education and psychological preparation. Nowadays there is an increasing demand for the moral, psychological and professional qualities of the mili-tary, officers in particular, who carry out the task of training and educating their suborditanes. The combat readiness and effectiveness of subunits and military bases are dependent on officers’ training level and their moral and professional qualities. It is necessary to consider the person-oriented military special training as one of the main requirements that should be met when developing training programs, new educational technologies aimed at personal approach, when considering the tasks and ways of professional development and military special preparedness of future reserve officers- psychologists. In addition, improvement of military special preparedness of future reserve officers-psychologists is possible in case of forming professionally important qualities in them, necessary knowledge and skills, in the case of creating an adequate system of training reserve officers-psychologists based on the laws of the main components of the educational process, functions and principles of teaching. Military special training of future reserve officers- psychologists corresponds to well-known principles: demonstrativeness; consistency, consequences and integri- ty; cooperation of the general, special and individual in the contents and forms of training; availability; scientific cha- racter; the unity of theory and practice. Professional military training of future reserve officers-psychologists is carried out in an appropriate educational system that is based on the unity of the general, special and individual. As the general, it is a component of professional training of a future reserve officer-psychologist; as the special, it has its own specifics conditioned by features and laws of the educational process and personality formation; as the individual, it reflects the dependence of the training of future reserve officers-psychologists’ personal qualities their professional military activi- ties. Therefore, the problem of military special preparedness of future reserve officers-psychologists is becoming more important and requires changes and improvements in the process of its implementation.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): dspace.pdpu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/5775
Розташовується у зібраннях:2015

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