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Title: Виховання фізичної культури учнів загальноосвітньої школи
Other Titles: The education of physical culture of schoolchildren
Authors: Ігнатенко, Сузанна Олександрівна
Ihnatenko, Suzanna Oleksandrivna
Keywords: physical education
physical culture
фізичне виховання
фізична культура
спільна діяльність
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»
Citation: Ігнатенко С. О. Виховання фізичної культури учнів загальноосвітньої школи / С. О. Ігнатенко // Наука і освіта. - 2014. - № 4. - С. 68-71.
Abstract: Стаття присвячена вихованню фізичної культури учнів. У цьому контексті наголошується на взаємозв'язках фізичного виховання з іншими компонентами національного виховання. Звертається увага на необхідність спільної діяльності і взаємодії педагогів школи у вихованні фізичної культури учнів як компонента загальної культури. Personality’s physical culture is an integrated concept that combines purely physical and mental components. Physical education as a process of education of physical culture reflects the unity and cooperation of all substantial parts of the national education: intellectual, moral, aesthetic, and others. The modern school of Ukraine performs a complex of important interconnected educational tasks. One of them is education of students’ physical culture at which the process of physical education is directed. Physical education for children and youth is considered as an important com ponent of humanitarian education, comprehensive development of young generation. It is connected with the education of students' high level of intelligence, patriotism, moral, physical, mental and social health. School practice shows the need to improve the effectiveness of physical education, which requires improvement of its content and ways of its rea lization. General cultural orientation of this process needs to be enhanced. An important condition for solving these problems is the co-operation and interaction of school teachers. The important characteristics of this joint activity should be teamwork and cooperation, strong ties and collaboration of teachers. The role of each one in the process is different. The main role is played, of course, by the teacher of physical culture who is professionally trained and per forms definite functions. But other teachers, as educators, guided by the overall objective of national education can and should be involved in students’ physical culture education through the implementation of interdisciplinary ties, in orga nizing various kinds of extracurricular and out-of-class activities. It is the form master who has a lot of possibilities for that; it was proved by our experimental work. But for this possibility to become a real effective activity it is necessary to do some preparatory work of organizational, general pedagogical and methodical kind which would ensure qualified involvement of form masters in the education of students’ physical culture on the basis of interaction with the teacher of physical culture and other teachers of the school.
Appears in Collections:2014

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