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Title: Використання мультимедійних засобів навчання в контексті осучаснення процесу викладання іноземної мови
Other Titles: Use of multimedia training tools in context of foreign lauguage teaching modernization
Authors: Буздуган, Олена Анатоліївна
Buzdugan, Olena Anatoliivna
Keywords: мультимедіа
мультимедійна технологія
мультимедійні засоби навчання
мультимедійний продукт
іноземна мова
multimedia technology
multimedia means of teaching
multimedia products
foreign language
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Буздуган О. А. Використання мультимедійних засобів навчання в контексті осучаснення процесу викладання іноземної мови / О. А. Буздуган // Наука і освіта. - №2. - 2015. - С. 10-15
Abstract: Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми використання мультимедійних засобів навчання в контексті осучаснення процесу викладання іноземної мови. Обґрунтовується необхідність удосконалення змісту і форм роботи педагога в цьому напрямку. и. The article is devoted to the research of the problem of using multimedia means of teaching in the context of mod-ernizing the teaching of a foreign language. The necessity of improving the content and the teacher's work forms in this direction is considered. Foreign Language is a subject which, by its nature, requires the creation of an artificial language environment for the students due to the lack of a natural one and provides the most flexible and extensive use of various means of training. It is not surprising that in the teaching of a foreign language multimedia means found various uses. The concept of "multimedia" is multi-faceted. Multimedia is a special interactive technology, a combination of special hardware and software that enables to perceive, process and provide various information at qualitatively new level: text, graphics, sound, animation, television and so on. Multimedia is often used as analog of the term "mass media" (the press, the photo, radio, film, television, video, multimedia computer systems, including the Internet). Thus, the use of modern information technologies requires a personal computer, software, and direct access to educational sites on the Internet. Nowadays, teachers, in order to enrich the curriculum and renovate of educational content, use such multime-dia products as electronic textbooks and manuals, teacher's self-prepared material, presentation using PowerPoint, vi-deolessons, training programs, Smart-boards, dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories and so on. The forms and place of using the means of multimedia technologies at a lesson depend on the content of this lesson and the purpose set by the teacher. All this enables to estimate and introduce innovative technologies in the process of training which gives pupils motivation to the study of a foreign language, improves the conditions of management of students' attention when work-ing with audio-visual teaching means. In the absence of a natural language environment the use of multimedia means of teaching allows to create conditions most closely resembling real speech communication in a foreign language. Thus, the use of multimedia in the teaching of a foreign language allowed us to find new approaches to the development of training materials. The introduction of multimedia means of teaching in the process of teaching a foreign language at school gives the chance to develop and realize the pedagogical, methodical, didactic and psychological principles. The introduction of innovative technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language allows to improve the quality of training, to develop cognitive activity of a pupil, his/her independence in studying, search, selection and information processing.
Appears in Collections:2015

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