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Title: Вимоги до особистості майбутнього вихователя у педагогічній спадщині К. Д. Ушинського
Other Titles: Requirements to the personality of the future educator in the pedagogical heritage of K. D. Ushinsky
Authors: Рогачко-Островська, Марина Станіславівна
Rogachko-Ostrovska, Marina Stanislavovna
Keywords: виховання
К. Д. Ушинський
теорія виховання
K. D. Ushinsky
the theory of education
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Рогачко М. С. Вимоги до особистості майбутнього вихователя у педагогічній спадщині К. Д. Ушинського / М. С. Рогачко // Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету ім. К. Д. Ушинського. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 85-89.
Abstract: У статті висвітлено погляди Ушинського на особистість майбутнього педагога, вихователя. У науковому відношенні виняткову цінність становить розроблена К. Д. Ушинським галузь педагогічної науки – теорія виховання, в якій розкрито основні аспекти процесу виховання, вплив дорослого на виховання особистості дитини, висунуті вимоги, які педагог ставив до абітурієнтів та студентів педагогічних спеціальностей, вихователя зокрема. This year the whole world scientific pedagogical community celebrates 193the birthday of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky – the coryphaeus of the native pedagogical science, distinguished thinker-democrat, the founder of the scientific pedagogical thought in Ukraine. The analysis of K. D. Ushinsky’s creative heritage as well as the research in the field of Pedagogy (A. Bogush, S. Borisova, I. Kopachov, A. Makarenko, V. Pikiner, M. Rybakova, V. Sukhomlinsky and others) convince that nowadays the attitude of the educator to his / here pupils is the most important sphere in which the moral principles of society are realized. It is of great importance that the ability to create and maintain positive relationships with pupils should be considered as one of the main criteria of teacher’s pedagogical mastery. In the scientific respect the branch of pedagogical science developed by K. D. Ushinsky seem to be of great value – the theory of upbringing, in which the main aspects of the upbringing process are revealed, the influence of the adult on the upbringing of the child's personality, the requirements that the teacher put to school leavers and students majoring in Pedagogy, to the educator in particular. The scientist understood the process of upbringing as a logical social and psychological process in which the eternal social impulses of mankind play a certain role ‒ the need for communication and the ability of mutual moral-volitional influence on each other. In the theory of education, K. D. Ushinsky assigned an important role to the formation of high moral qualities in future educators. Some basic requirements to the personality of the future educator are revealed in the article; some personal qualities and character traits that, in the words of Ushinsky, a future teacher-educator should manifest are listed. The importance of practice in a teacher-educator training is revealed in the article. Konstantin Dmitrievich was deeply convinced that both the knowledge of Pedagogy and Psychology is needed for the profession of a teacher. A future educator should also improve his / her mastery in creative pedagogical practice. The article says that upbringing plays the main role in shaping personality in the course of which it is necessary to use child's natural data inherited from his / her parents. That is why the educator should strive for his / her pupils to master their knowledge thoroughly as well as to develop child's activity and independence, without which one cannot imagine a real full-fledged development of the person.
Appears in Collections:2017

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