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Title: The phenomenon of performance-methodological competence of a future music pedagogue: essential and functional characteristics
Authors: Mendoza Rivas, Joseph Rai
Khmelevska, Inha Oleksiivna
Keywords: competence
musical performance
educational paradigm
comparative approach
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»,
Citation: Mendoza Rivas J.R.The phenomenon of performance-methodological competence of a future music pedagogue: essential and functional characteristics/J.R.Mendoza Rivas,Khmelevska I.O.//Південноукраїнські мистецькі студії. Науковий журнал. – 2024. – №1 С.55-62
Abstract: The research is devoted to the study of the essence and functions of the performancemethodological competence of future music teachers. The application of retrospective, systematic and comparative types of analysis based on paradigmatic and comparative approaches has allowed us to determine that the foundations for organising a multi-vector and, at the same time, internally consistent process of forming music performance skills and awareness of the theoretical and methodological foundations of professional activity in future music teachers are provided by the competence-based educational paradigm.
Appears in Collections:№1 (2024)

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