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Title: Феномен націоналізму: історія становлення, типологія та сутнісні характеристики
Authors: Starodub, Taras Petrovych
Стародуб, Тарас Петрович
Keywords: nationalism
theories of nationalism
historiography of nationalism
types of nationalism
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»
Citation: Стародуб Т. П. Феномен націоналізму: історія становлення, типологія та сутнісні характеристики / Т. П. Стародуб // Політикус : наук. журнал. – 2018. – № 1. – С. 23-28.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop own view of nationalism based on the analysis of the work of ideologists and researchers of this phenomenon. The study used the following research methods: the method of historicism, comparative and analytical methods, structural and system analysis. It is carried out a comprehensive analysis of the history of nationalism, the typology, the composite of this concept, it is clarified the view on nationalism in different historical epochs. The article shows that nationalism, at its core, is a complex and difficult phenomenon and at the same time, multi-faceted, which can have the characteristics of both democratic and authoritarian, can be directed or focused into the future to the past. It is analyzed a variety of classification and typologizing theories of nationalism but significant is a typology of national- ism written by a jewish researcher, to the opinion of the author of the article, a jewish scholar, philosopher Hans Kohn, who shared the nationalism in the process of its historical develop- ment, on the East and West. It is clarified that nationalism, that the nation is a supreme value, the only binding authority that makes sense of and justifies it. It is established that the main principle of nationalism is the establishment and strengthening of national state sovereignty in which there is a nation. Many scholars believe that nationalism is a movement whose goal is the search for close ties between the state and the nation, without which nationalism loses its social and political signifi- cance. Without such a combination of nationalism could interest only folklorists. Nationalism re- quires a nation-state, because this process (of creating a nation-state) strengthens nationalism. Thus, there is a continuous interdependence and interaction between nationalism and the na- tion state. Obvious is the fact that the development and spread of nationalism contributed to the emergence of States. Many researchers combine the concept of “nation state” is closely connected with concepts of “nation” and “nationalism”. Nationalism argues that the nation and the state exist for each other, and moreover, one without the other cannot exist, and the absence of one entails the tragedy for another.
Appears in Collections:2018

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