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Title: Game Activity as a Condition for the Development of Creative Skills of Junior School Students
Authors: Zhao Tingjiao
Шпаляренко, Юлія Анатоліївна
Shpaliarenko, Yuliia
Keywords: junior schoolchildren
game activity
creative abilities
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»
Citation: Zhao Tingjiao. Game Activity as a Condition for the Development of Creative Skills of Junior School Students / Zhao Tingjiao, Y. Shpalyarenko // Актуальні проблеми філології і професійної підготовки фахівців у полікультурному просторі: Міжнародний журнал. – Випуск 7. – Харбін : Харбінський інженерний університет, 2024 ‒ С.104-106
Abstract: The problem of students’ creativity and creative abilities at different times worried not only famous teachers but also researchers, thinkers, philosophers, and scientists. When discussing children’s creativity, it should be emphasized that students often do not create something new but invent new subjective discoveries, for children have become manifestations of creativity. Working not on templates or examples is also an indicator of developed creative abilities. Creativity is one of the ways to increase a person’s emotional tone, integrate the complex of emotional and voluntary regulation, and, most importantly, renew the range of experiences that accompany practical work, to feel the joy of what has been done, what has been achieved, self-confidence, and creativity.
Appears in Collections:2024 Вип. 7

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