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Title: Integrating innovative pedagogical technologies into early childhood education training programs: a comparative analysis
Authors: Булгакова, Олена Юріївна
Bulgacova, Olena Yuriivna
Савченкова, Марія Вікторівна
Savchenkova, Maria
Naida, Ruslana
Berezovska, Liudmyla
Найда, Руслана Григорівна
Березовська, Людмила Іванівна
Keywords: Preschool teachers
Artificial Intelligence
Innovative pedagogical approaches
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Editora Dialetica
Citation: Naida R. Integrating innovative pedagogical technologies into early childhood education training programs: a comparative analysis / R. Naida, L. Berezovska, O. Bulgakova, N. Kravets, M. Savchenkova / Métodos e técnicas de pesquisas científicas , 2024. С. 568-595
Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the integration of innovative pedagogical technologies into early childhood education training programs, focusing on play-based learning, project-based learning, augmented reality and virtual reality, and AI-powered tools. The comparative analysis aims to unveil the unique strengths, challenges, and opportunities associated with each approach. The study utilizes a systematic approach, drawing from diverse scientific literature, including articles, conference papers, and books. Through content analysis, the paper identifies key themes, theoretical frameworks, and implementation strategies, followed by a critical analysis of strengths and limitations. The results reveal distinctive strengths: play-based learning excels in holistic development, project-based learning in real-world skills, AR/VR in immersive experiences, and AI-powered tools in personalized learning. Challenges include guidance dependency in play-based learning, varying engagement levels in project-based learning, resource intensiveness in AR/VR, and ethical considerations in AI-powered tools. Opportunities arise in fostering creativity through play-based learning, encouraging critical thinking in project-based learning, providing realistic simulations with AR/VR, and offering adaptive learning experiences with AI-powered tools. In conclusion, the study underscores the immense potential of integrating technologies into training programs. It advocates for the establishment of national standards, comprehensive teacher training, resource facilitation, and international collaboration.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра дошкільної педагогіки

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