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Title: Active Forms of Training Future English Language Teachers
Authors: Ірхіна, Юліана Валентинівна
Irkhina, Juliana Valentynivna
Мулик, Катерина Олександрівна
Mulyk, Kateryna Oleksandrivna
Алексєєва, Ольга Борисівна
Aleхееva, Olga Borysivna
Skyba, Kateryna
Postolenko, Iryna
Amelina, Svitlana
Keywords: teaching
active forms
creative abilities
educational process
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională
Citation: Active Forms of Training Future English Language Teachers / Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională. 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3, pages: 182-199.
Abstract: The content of the paper was determined by the problem of active teaching forms at English classes at the Pedagogical Universities. The modern educational environment should form an holistic system ofuniversal knowledge, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students. The aim of the article is to determine the effectiveness of active forms of teaching Ukrainian future teachers at English classes.Modern effective forms of teaching are based on the independent educational activities of participants. Active forms of teaching provide a solution of educational problems in various aspects: the formation of positive educational motivation; increasing cognitive activity of students; active involvement of students in the educational process; development of cognitive processes; effective assimilation of educational information; development of creative abilities and thinking; development of the communicative andemotional sphere and development of independent mental work skills and universal skills.The research was conducted on the basics of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky (2018-2019).An analysis of these researchers and advanced pedagogical experience shows that the most characteristic direction of increasing the university education effectiveness is the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions in which a student can take an active personal position and educational activity.The results of the implementation of the system of usingactive teaching forms can be considered: systematization of program material by the criterion of the possibility of using active forms and a holistic system of exercises of active forms.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра германських і східних мов та методики їх навчання

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