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dc.contributor.authorSannikov, Оlexander Ilyich-
dc.contributor.authorСанніков, Олександр Ілліч-
dc.identifier.citationСанніков, І. О. Концептуальні основи досліджень прийняття рішень особистістю / І. О. Санніков // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал. – 2017. – № 3. – С. 78-84uk
dc.description.abstractThe paper aims to systematize and structure the approaches, concepts and theories of decision-making in psychology; define the principles of studying the choice of a personality; develop the psychological system of decision-making by a personality. The review of psycho-pedagogical, socio-philosophical and economic literature has made it possible to identify the approaches to the study of the phenomenon of “decision-making”, its structure, mechanisms and factors that determine its effectiveness. The main ones are the following: strategic and style, normative approach, cognitive and target, regulatory and volitional, system and structural and subject and activity, providing the appropriate projection of the problem of choice of the ersonality. The insufficient development of the issue studied can be overcome by a deeper examination of the specifics of life decisions made by the personality. It seems productive to shift the focus of scientific interest from studying decision-making in the context of the activity to be performed to the personal context where the personality making life decisions becomes the object of research as well as the configuration of the psychological system, describing the features of the choice. The life decision is determinative at all stages of human existence, provides a constructive way out of various life situations, the formation and realization of the life path of the individual as a whole. The psychological system of making life decisions reflects the integrity of the personality which is formed by interrelated and complexly organized functional blocks and components. The structure of the properties forming the components of the system has a clearly expressed and stable character, retaining its characteristics within the type of life decision being made. Decisiveness is considered to be an integral characteristic of the personality, the ability to make mature life decisions easily and independently, selectively using personal
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectchoice of personalityuk
dc.subjectpersonal approach to decision makinguk
dc.subjectdecision-making theoruk
dc.subjectpsychological decision making systemuk
dc.subjectconcept of personality choiceuk
dc.subjectприйняття рішенняuk
dc.subjectвибір особистостіuk
dc.subjectособистісний підхід до прийняття рішенняuk
dc.subjectтеорії прийняття рішеньuk
dc.subjectпсихологічна система прийняття життєвих рішеньuk
dc.subjectконцепція вибору особистостіuk
dc.titleConceptual bases of making desisions by personalityuk
dc.title.alternativeКонцептуальні основи досліджень прийняття рішень особистістюuk
Appears in Collections:2017

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