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dc.contributor.authorЧерненко, Наталія Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorChernenko, Natalia Mykolaivna-
dc.identifier.citationЧерненко Н. М. Використання тренінгових технологій у процесі підготовки майбутніх менеджерів освіти / Н. М. Черненко // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №8. - С
dc.description.abstractУ статті уточнено сутність понять «тренінг», «тренінгове навчання», проаналізовано сучасні підходи до особистісних якостей керівника, обґрунтовано використання тренінгових технологій навчання під час під- готовки менеджерів освіти у вищих навчальних закладах.Training is considered as a method of active teaching aimed at the development of knowledge, skills and social at- titudes. The review of the scientific literature makes it possible to state that in a broad sense training is considered as preparation and as training in a narrow sense. The following methods and techniques of active teaching are used in trainings: business games, role-plays, simulation games, case studies (Fallstudie) and group discussions. It should be noted that trainings in the process of preparing managers for the professional work at universities are focused on the acquisition of practical skills; they promote an active students’ position taking into account their previous experience and aimed at the formation of their professional abilities. It has been found that in accordance with the National Qualifi- cations Framework, competence is the result of learning (knowledge, understanding, skills, values, and other personal characteristics), which a person acquires and is able to demonstrate after the graduation. It has been determined that the specificity of administrative activity in the field of education puts the relevant requirements for personal and profes- sional qualities of education managers, required to perform administrative functions and ensure an appropriate level of effective school management. It has been also proved that the education manager’s work involves several roles, which are interconnected and interacted in practice, and the importance of these roles changes depending on the level of man- agement, because the roles performed by a manager determine the volume and the contents of his/her work. The expe- diency of implementing training technologies into the process of teaching future education managers is explained by the fact that trainings are an effective means of professional education of managers of different directions and they allow to activate internal hidden reserves of a personality. Methodically training is implemented through a set of special exer- cises, accomplishment of which provides the achievement of the desired goals. As a result of using training technolo- gies in teaching, managers not only analyze the process of management activities (planning, decision-making, assess- ment, monitoring and others) but also master the knowledge and algorithms for solving management problems and work on the development of their potential leadership. Training as a teaching technology can identify needs, formulate goals and find effective ways of their
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectтренінгове навчанняuk
dc.subjectменеджери освітиuk
dc.subjecttraining teachinguk
dc.subjecteducation managersuk
dc.titleВикористання тренінгових технологій у процесі підготовки майбутніх менеджерів освітиuk
dc.title.alternativeUse of training technologies in the process of teaching future education managersuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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