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dc.contributor.authorПершина, Любов Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorPershyna, Liubov-
dc.identifier.citationПершина Л. В. Роль акмеології в процесі стимулювання мотивації майбутніх викладачів до професійного самовдосконалення / Л. В. Першина // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №8. - С
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена проблемі формування професійної майстерності в майбутніх викладачів вищих на- вчальних закладів, а саме ролі акмеології в процесі стимулювання їх мотивації до професійного самовдоскона- лення. Розкрито значення поняття «акмеологія» та представлено предмет акмеології вищої педагогічної освіти. Розглянуто роль енергодійності як здатності до постійного зростання. Доведено важливість розвитку особисті- сної змобілізованості. Розкрито поняття «рефлексія» та обґрунтовано доречність розвитку рефлексивних здібно- стей задля забезпечення професійного становлення й особистісного зростання майбутнього викладача..The article is dedicated to the issue of professional skills formation of future teachers of higher educational estab- lishments, namely to the role of akmeology in the process of stimulating motivation of future teachers to professional self-perfection. The aim of the article is to explain the role of akmeology in the process of stimulating motivation of future teachers to professional self-perfection. The specificity of teachers training is that apart from theoretical knowl- edge and practical skills a future teacher must foremost understand himself/herself well and have firm motivation to professional activity. The meaning of the concept of «motivation» is defined and the importance of the development of reflection capabilities for providing the professional becoming and personal growth is approved. Pedagogical akmeol- ogy is a new direction of science, which studies professional development of a pedagogue, achieving professional suc- cess in his/her activity, ways and means of his development and self-perfection as a professional. Everything that in- duces personality to activity must go through his/her consciousness, that is why a very important thing in the process of self-perfection of a future teacher of higher educational establishment is self-knowledge, which means study of his/her own personality features: psychical, physical, moral. A leading role in the process of the professional becoming and personality growth of a future teacher is played by the reflection, which is the base mechanism of self-regulation of the educational and professional activity and the formation of professionally pedagogical thought. Self-knowledge takes place through introspection, self-examination, perception and self-awareness. But in all cases it involves evaluation and self-evaluation and is provided by the reflection. It is important to underline that the source of self-knowledge is the real activity of a person and experience of intercourse and co-operating with other people. During the formation of profes- sional skills of a future teacher of higher educational establishment it is important to implement various exercises aimed at the development of reflection for stimulating the motivation to professional self-perfection. The article approves the role of energoactivity as an ability of constant growth. The importance of the personal mobilization, the readiness growth of a future teacher for professional self-perfection is
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.titleРоль акмеології в процесі стимулювання мотивації майбутніх викладачів до професійного самовдосконаленняuk
dc.title.alternativeRole of akmeology in the process of stimulating motivation of future teachers to professional self-perfectionuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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