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dc.contributor.authorХоржевська, Інна Михайлівна-
dc.contributor.authorHorzhevska, Inna-
dc.identifier.citationХоржевська І. М. Психологічні основи професійної культури фахівця / І. М. Хоржевська // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №7. - С
dc.description.abstractУ статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз психологічних основ професійної культури фахівця. Визначено мі- сце професійної культури у структурі загальної культури особистості. Подано короткий огляд підходів до проблеми у зарубіжній та вітчизняній психології. Найважливішою складовою професійної культури є мораль- ність особистості, її світоглядні цінності, прийняття і адаптація до сучасних суспільних змін. Розкрито структуру професійної культури фахівця. The theoretical review of the psychological foundations of specialists’ professional culture is carried out. One of the most important components of the professional culture is morality of a personality, its ideological values, the adop- tion and adaptation to modern social changes. Despite the significant attention of scientists to the problem of professio- nalism the issue of professional culture, its place in the personality structure of a specialist is still understudied. In scien- tific works of Ukrainian and foreign psychologists the problem of professional culture of a specialist is often considered in the context of the phenomenon of culture in general and ethics of business communication. As a rule, more attention is paid to the professional culture of workers of the ―man-man system‖, in particular, teachers, social workers, lawyers. Professional culture is considered as a complex of special knowledge and skills, associated with a certain specific kind of activity. The formation of professional culture is connected with the kind of activities, and the level of its maturity indicates the level of readiness of an individual for this activity. Professional culture is the way of creative self- realization in different activities and communication aimed at mastering, transferring, and creating professional values and technologies. It is of extreme importance in the structure of general culture of a personality. Professional culture provides obtaining professional knowledge and competence, the maturity of professionally significant qualities, neces- sary for participating in professional activities. Both peculiarities of the occupation and other factors can influence the formation of specialists’ professional culture. These factors can be divided into objective and subjective, less or more important, personal and social. World tendencies in society, socio-philosophical problems of culture, the state of educa- tion system and the teaching quality are the most significant factors, which influence the formation of specialists’ pro- fessional
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectпрофесійна культураuk
dc.subjectособистість фахівцяuk
dc.subjectструктура професійної культуриuk
dc.subjectprofessional cultureuk
dc.subjectpersonality of a specialistuk
dc.subjectthe structure of professional cultureuk
dc.titleПсихологічні основи професійної культури фахівцяuk
dc.title.alternativePsychological foundations of specialists’ professional cultureuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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