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Title: Морально-етичне виховання дітей старшого дошкільного віку у процесі ознайомлення з природою
Other Titles: Moral and ethical education of preschool children in course of getting acquainted with nature
Authors: Соцька, Олена Петрівна
Sotska, Olena Petrivna
Шельменко, Г.
Keywords: морально-етичне виховання
екологічно мотивована поведінка
морально-этическое воспитание
экологически мотивированное поведение
moral and ethical education
environmentally motivated behavior
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Соцька О. П. Морально-етичне виховання дітей старшого дошкільного віку у процесі ознайомлення з природою / О. П. Соцька, Г. Шельменко // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №6. - С.115-119.
Abstract: У статті розглянуто поняття «морально-етичне виховання», «екологічно мотивована поведінка». Подано ре- зультати вивчення стану проблеми морально-етичного виховання дітей старшого дошкільного віку у процесі озна- йомлення з природою у сучасній практиці ДНЗ. Визначено критерії з показниками, схарактеризовано рівні сформо- ваності екологічно мотивованої поведінки у дітей старшого дошкільного віку. Представлено експериментальну модель морально-етичного виховання дітей старшого дошкільного віку у процесі ознайомлення з природою..The article is focused on the concepts of “moral education” and “environmentally motivated behaviour”. Moral education of an individual is considered as a complicated dynamic process; it is provided by a continuous growth of qualitative changes of an individual to the level which meets the needs of the modern society. Environmentally moti- vated behavior of a child is formed when following the example of an adult. So an educator should be familiar with the environmental problems, have the developed need and motivational sphere of communication with nature and personal meanings in interaction with it; he/she should be aware of being involved in solving the problems of environmental education of children and have a clear moral stand as a teacher of an environmental personality. When forming moral and ethical education of children of preschool age in the course of getting acquainted with the nature, preschool teachers should use the achievements of national pedagogy, folklore works, develop children’s play and communication skills. The results of studying the problem of moral and ethical education of preschool children in the course of acquaintance with nature at the modern preschool institution are represented. The criteria for characteristics are determined; the levels of formedness of ecologically motivated behavior in preschool children are characterized. The experimental model of moral and ethical education of preschool children in the course of acquaintance with nature is represented. On the basis of the characteristics review, it can be concluded that the level of formedness of children’s ecologically motivated be-haviour has increased significantly. The difference to the good of the experimental group proves the advantages of creating the outlined pedagogical conditions for preschool children moral and ethical education when getting acquainted with the nature. Among the qualitative changes at the end of the experimental research it was determined that children show interest in the objects of nature, curiosity, the desire to communicate with nature, natural phenomena; understand and justify the need for a respectful and caring attitude towards all the objects of nature and so on.
Appears in Collections:2015

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