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dc.contributor.authorТерзі, Пилип Пилипович-
dc.contributor.authorTerzi, Pylyp Pylypovych-
dc.identifier.citationТерзі П. П. Виховання фізичних якостей у юнаків-футболістів на етапі спортивного вдосконалення / П. П. Терзі // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №5. - с
dc.description.abstractУ статті наводяться результати експериментально-педагогiчного дослідження та викладаються методичнi вказівки з виховання фізичних якостей у юнаків-футболістів на етапі спортивного вдосконалення. Фізичні навантаження, які отримували юнаки під час тренувальних занять, сприяли покращенню їх фізичних якостей. Методичнi вказівки адресовано викладачам вузів, шкільним вчителям i учням.Improvement of long-term training of football players of high qualification is impossible without paying attention to one of its components – methods and techniques of training. Lately many researchers have been dedicating a lot of their works to the problem of youth sports, and there are questions concerning football players training, which still re- main insufficiently studied. It is caused by the fact that these issues haven’t been the objects for scientific researches for a long time. Recently it has become obvious that improvement of training substitute players is one of the major tasks, which makes researches in this field relevant. The formation of plastic and coordination abilities continues at the stages of sports specialization. At this means of improvement of the general flexibility and dexterity should get involved into a stage of the preparatory period, and means of perfection of special flexibility and dexterity should be applied not only at a special preparatory stage of the preparatory period, but also throughout all annual cycle of the training process withdifferent measuring depending on tasks of team training and age features of players. Playing football influences the de- velopment of physiological possibilities of an organism, and human’s physical qualities. From the physiological point of view it provides mainly dynamic loading of replaceable intensity. In the process of playing different exercises alter- nate in different sequence and with different intervals. Continuous struggle for a ball is accompanied by different movements (walking, running of different intensity with sudden stops, jerks, jumps, different power and acrobatic tech- niques). Increase of exercises complexity can be carried out by measuring, increasing of the quantity of elements in an exercise, the quantity of re-doings, etc. In many exercises balls of different size are recommended: football, volleyball, tennis. In the process of training such movement qualities, as speed, force, flexibility, endurance, dexterity are educated in male players. Physical activities contribute to the improvement of physical fitness of young men and improve their health. Together with this such kind of activities forms such moral qualities, as diligence, ability to overcome difficul- ties, self-discipline,
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectфізичне вихованняuk
dc.subjectфізичні якостіuk
dc.subjectphysical traininguk
dc.subjectyoung male football playersuk
dc.subjectphysical qualitiesuk
dc.titleВиховання фізичних якостей у юнаків-футболістів на етапі спортивного вдосконаленняuk
dc.title.alternativeEducation of young male football players’ physical qualities at sports perfection stageuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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