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dc.contributor.authorМедвідь, Ю. І.-
dc.contributor.authorMedvid, Y-
dc.identifier.citationМедвідь, Ю. І. Удосконалення процесу підготовки офіцерів запасу в Україні як педагогічна проблема / Ю. І. Медвідь // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал. – 2017. – №2. – С. 9-15uk
dc.description.abstractЗа результатами аналізу наукових праць визначено, що у процесі військової підготовки громадян України за програмою підготовки офіцерів запасу не враховуються такі чинники, як зміна способу комплектування військових формувань з призовного на контрактний, впровадження стандартів НАТО у військовій сфері, досвід бойових дій на сході України. Виявлено протиріччя, які існують у системі такої підготовки, сформовано об’єкт, предмет, мету та завдання дослідження щодо удосконалення процесу військової підготовки громадян України за програмою підготовки офіцерів запасу.The research studies devoted to the issue of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the reserve officers training programme do not consider the following factors: changing the way of military units manning (transition from conscription to a contract form); implementation of some standards by NATO in the military sphere; the experience of fighting in the east of Ukraine, as well as the increasing of social anxiety because military training is not paid by the state but by people going to defend the motherland. The paper is aimed at revealing the aspects of improving the process of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the training programme for reserve officers. The following contradictions in the field of military education in Ukraine have been revealed: between the need for transition to the contract military service and the absence of the educational programmes for its provision; between the need of accepting NATO standards and the absence of the conditions for their implementation in the military educational system of Ukraine; between the need for revising the system of military training according to the programme of training reserve officers and the absence of the defined list of necessary competences which should be developed in officers; between the need of the state for training competent military staff and the absence of necessary money in the government budget for the training. For the successful improvement of the process of training reserve officers in Ukraine the following tasks should be performed: review NATO standards concerning the military training of citizens and create conditions for their implementation in the national military educational system; study the citizens’ motivation for entering military educational institutions; determine the list of future reserve officers’ competences; theoretically substantiate and experimentally prove a set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of these competences in future reserve officers; define criteria, indices and levels of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the reserve officers programme; develop and experimentally verify the model of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the reserve officers programme. The further research is aimed at performing the above mentioned
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectвійськова освітаuk
dc.subjectвійськова підготовкаuk
dc.subjectпрограма підготовки офіцерів запасуuk
dc.subjectmilitary education-
dc.titleУдосконалення процесу підготовки офіцерів запасу в Україні як педагогічна проблемаuk
dc.title.alternativeImproving the process of training reserve Officers in ukraine as a pedagogical issue-
dcterms.subjectmilitary training-
Appears in Collections:2017

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