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dc.contributor.authorПуйо, Ольга Ігорівна-
dc.contributor.authorPuyo, Olha Ihorivna-
dc.identifier.citationПуйо О. І. «Дитячий колектив» як наукова категорія. / О. І. Пуйо // Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету ім. К. Д. Ушинського. - 2017. - № 1. - С.
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглядається сутність феномену «дитячий колектив». Подано трактування понять «колектив», «дитячий колектив», «дошкільний дитячий колектив». Доведено необхідність вживання дефініції «колектив» щодо групи дітей, які об’єднані навчально-виховним процесом. На підставі аналізу наукових джерел та поглядів учених на поняття «колектив» подано власне розуміння феномену «дитячий колектив», який розглядаємо як об’єднання дітей дошкільного віку з метою виховання та особистісного зростання в процесі формування взаємин через різні види діяльності, що буде запорукою їх успішного входження в соціум. The article contains a scientific analysis of the concept «collective» based on linguistic, sociological, psychological, philosophical and pedagogical sources. The author focuses on the importance of child’s development in the collective, the meaning of the concepts «collective» ‒ «educational collective». At the same time, the processes of collective creation are maintained by socio-psychological facts: improvement of a group organization, the formation of collectivist norms of behaviour and relations, the appearance of collectivistic identification. Thus, by the term «collective» we understand a group of people united by a common activity. An association, a group of children, where a system of highly moral and aesthetic educational social relations, activities and communication is created, should be considered the basis of the concept «children's collective». The author finds the collective as a result of a purposeful pedagogical activity, taking into account individual needs of the collective members. The goal of the collective is development, satisfaction of diverse interests and requests of each child, personal enrichment in the process of some activity and communication. On the basis of different points of view, the differences in the interpretation of the concept «children's collective» were traced. The author’s own view on the interpretation of the concept "children's collective" is presented taking into account the disagreements about the individualistic and collectivist concepts in education. The author does not associate the children's collective with the subordination of the interests of an individual to the interests of a collective. A children's collective is considered to be an association of children of preschool age for the purpose of education and personal growth in the process of relations formation based on trust, mutual understanding, taking into account individuality of each member of the collective. A group of pre-schoolers, united by the age index, does not immediately become a collective. A collective forms gradually, through a certain system of rules and requirements. A teacher is the main organizer of a preschool children’s collective. A level of children’s moral standards combination depends on his / her pedagogical mastery. The fulfilment of these requirements and cooperation based on acceptability is a guarantee for the formation of a collective which further becomes an «educational collective». A modern society creates and develops new humanistic concepts of upbringing in groups, based on the unity of the processes of socialization and individualization of an individual, his / her self-realization under conditions of a team activity, the development of self-management and creativity. This very approach in the process of working with children allows us to rely on the organization of a collective with a positive attitude and guarantees children’s successful entry into
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectдитячий колективuk
dc.subjectдошкільний дитячий колективuk
dc.subjectpreschool children’s collectiveuk
dc.subjectchildren's collectiveuk
dc.title«Дитячий колектив» як наукова категоріяuk
dc.title.alternative«Children’s collective» like a scientific categoryuk
Appears in Collections:2017

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