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dc.contributor.authorФрицюк, В. А.-
dc.identifier.citationФрицюк В. А. Діагностика готовності майбутніх педагогів до професійного саморозвитку / В. А. Фрицюк // Наука і освіта: наук.-практ. журнал. – 2016. – № 10. – С. 189 –
dc.description.abstractУ статті представлено результати діагностики за виокремленими автором компонентами готовності студентів до професійного саморозвитку: мотиваційно-ціннісним, інформаційно-пізнавальним, організаційнодіяльнісним, емоційно-вольовим, рефлексивно-оцінним; описано процедуру діагностики за кожним компонентом із характеристикою методів, які при цьому використовувалися. Після аналізу отриманих результатів діагностичного дослідження зроблено висновок про необхідність створення умов, що сприяють формуванню досліджуваної якості у майбутніх учителів.The article presents the results of the assessment of the following components of future teachers’ preparedness for professional self-development: motivational and axiological, informational and cognitive, organisational and activity, emotional and emotional and volitional, reflexive and evaluation. In order to assess the level of future teachers’ preparedness for professional self-development the following methods were used: “Methods for assessing creative activity” by M. Rozhkov, Yu. Tiunnikov, B. Alishev, L. Volovich; “Test for assessing the level of sociability” by V. Riakhovskyi; “Self-confidence” by V. Romek; “Selfassessment of one’s self-confidence” by S. Yemelianov; “Self-actualisation test”, “Method of assessing volitional self-regulation” by A. Zverkov, Ye. Slidman; “Technique of self-evaluation and self-regulation” by S. Vershlovskyi; test “To what extent are you disciplined?” by L. Matsko, M. Pryschak, T. Pervunina; “Ability to self-management” by N. Peisakhov, etc. Some components were assessed by means of observation and expert evaluation. It has been found that before the experiment 6.19% of students from the experimental group (according to 3 criteria) had critical level of readiness for continuous professional self-development; 28% of the surveyed had adaptive level; 50% of the respondents has the basic level; 13.81% has the optimal one and 2,78 of the students had the creative level of preparedness. In the control group, 60.1% of the surveyed had critical level of preparedness for professional self-development; 25.96% - adaptive; 51.44% - basic; 14.42% - optimal and 2.16% - creative level of preparedness. Having considered the results of the experiment it has been concluded that it is reasonable to create conditions which would prepare students for professional self-development. Preparedness for professional self-development cannot be formed by means of direct pedagogical impact, because this ability cannot be transferred from a teacher to a student. However, a teacher can create the necessary conditions contributing the formation of the examined quality in students-future
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectпрофесійний саморозвитокuk
dc.subjectмайбутні педагогиuk
dc.subjectprofessional self-developmentuk
dc.subjectfuture teachersuk
dc.titleДіагностика готовності майбутніх педагогів до професійного саморозвиткуuk
dc.title.alternativeAssessment of future teachers’ preparedness for professional self-developmentuk
Appears in Collections:2016

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