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dc.contributor.authorБлагун, Н. М.-
dc.contributor.authorBlahun, N.-
dc.identifier.citationБлагун Н. М. Змістові чинники мовного компонента у системі соціалізації особистості учнів / Н. М. Благун // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал . – 2016. – № 10. – С. 131 –
dc.description.abstractУ статті досліджено підходи щодо формування соціалізації особистості крізь ракурс вивчення української мови в загальноосвітніх школах України. Проаналізований зміст програмового матеріалу за рівнем Стандарту для учнів указаних навчальних закладів доводить, що з низки тем, представлених ДСЗСО, на уроках рідної мови ключовою залишається соціокультурна тематика, яка безпосередньо впливає на формування соціалізації індивідуума. Any changes in social life are highlighted by means of a language, which is regarded as the fundamental tool of socialisation – the transformation of a human being into a personality, part of society. It is obvious that such a process is based on the coherence of social conditions, namely political, economic and cultural factors, which exist in dialectal motion. It is the so-called “socio-system” which presupposes a complex of notions such as “culture”, “socio-culture”, “sociocultural competence”. The priorities of the latter are schoolers’ willingness and ability to co-exist comfortably in a multicultural world and to gain knowledge for developing worldview and civic awareness. The linguistic component has the following major functions: communication, socio-cultural awareness, and activity. It should be noted that “the sociocultural line” plays a significant role since its function is to develop socio-cultural competence by learning new values and norms which regulate socio-communicative relations between genders, generations, nations and which are conducive to schoolers’ aesthetic, moral and ethical development. The teacher is responsible for eliciting the students’ views by means of certain methods, techniques and forms of teaching. Regardless of age and learning bias, the following activities are essential at native language classes: silent reading and reading aloud, listening comprehension, summary, essay (in oral or written form), working with textbooks, tests, situational exercises, etc. It contributes to perfecting the skills of analysis, synthesis, comparison, perception, concretisation and generalisation. Experimental work is considered to be very efficient, as it implements a number of changes into the traditional approach to preparing schoolchildren for oral and written creative tasks. It certainly concerns problematic situational assignments on moral, ethical, social and political issues, which contribute to personality development at Ukrainian language lessons. The content and communicative line of the Ukrainian language curriculum is based on relevant information on sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, country studies, and ethnolinguistics – it reflects native culture and the eternal values of world culture. Additionally, it should be emphasised that materials on regional culture studies are significant for a modern person, and especially for a child. In this respect, national cultural values are regarded as the most significant, because a language reflects the spiritual bases of life. In socialisation, the major spheres of adapting schoolers to society (family, school, society, native land, state) are regarded as the most powerful determinants; materials on country studies play the main
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectукраїнська моваuk
dc.subjectпрограмовий матеріалuk
dc.subjectекспериментальна роботаuk
dc.subjectморально-етична тематика творівuk
dc.subjectдомінування текстуuk
dc.subjectUkrainian languageuk
dc.subjectcurriculum materialsuk
dc.subjectexperimental workuk
dc.subjectmoral and ethical subject matter of literary worksuk
dc.titleЗмістові чинники мовного компонента у системі соціалізації особистості учнівuk
dc.title.alternativeContent factors of language component in the system of school students’ socialisationuk
Appears in Collections:2016

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