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Title: Розвиток особистісної цілісності старшокласників засобами шкільної музейної практики
Other Titles: Development of personal integrity of secondary school students by means of school museum practice
Authors: Власова, О. І.
Віннік, Н. В.
Vlasova, O.
Vinnik, N.
Keywords: розвиток цілісної особистості
освітня соціалізація
шкільний музей
екзистенційні здібності
психологічне благополуччя
development of an integrated personality
educational socialisation
school museum
existential capabilities
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Власова О. І. Розвиток особистісної цілісності старшокласників засобами шкільної музейної практики / О. І. Власова, Н. В. Віннік // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал. – 2016. – № 9. – С. 29–35.
Abstract: У статті представлено результати емпіричного дослідження особливостей формування цілісної особистості учнів старшої школи засобами освітньої соціалізації, специфіка якої полягає у роботі в школі літературно-історичного музею. Показано статистичні зв’язки активності музейної роботи школярів та розвитку їхньої загальної і часткових ідентичностей, екзистенціальних здібностей, психологічного благополуччя. The paper presents the analysis of the concepts “personal integrity” and “identity” and specifies genus-species relations between them. The authors use theoretical generalisation to demonstrate that during school time comprehensive personal becoming of a student is based on the development of his/her physical, personal and social identity. At this age, psychological foundation for the formation of social and personal competency, competence in a certain profession is being formed along with ideas about life and individual project of life, mechanisms of supporting psychological well-being and existential understanding of life. Efficiency of these processes is the basis for creating and effective functioning of an integrated personality. In addition, the paper provides theoretical substantiation of the significance of formal and informal socialisation aimed at the formation of a secondary school student’s personality as well as educational socialisation; presents the results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of the formation of secondary school students’ integrated personalities under conditions of their educational socialisation (the specific character of the latter is determined by their work at the school museum of history and literature). As part of investigating general principles of the development of personal identity in ontogeny, the authors represented statistically established links between the formation of identity in secondary school students and their age (class) and progress in studies. In terms of studying the impact of certain educational socialisation conditions on the development of students’ identities, a significant correlation of secondary school students’ museum activities with the development of their general and individual identities, existential capabilities and characteristics of psychological well-being has been demonstrated. Secondary school students’ active museum activities correlate mostly with the indicators of general, personal and social identity as well as general scales of individual well-being and existential capabilities of the surveyed school students. As for physical identity scale, there is the low level of correlation with it. The authors have concluded that museum practice among secondary school students plays an important role in the formation of their general identity and its basic psychological components. This kind of activities facilitates the development of existential capabilities of students (particularly, the capability of self-transcendence and responsibility), increases the general level of their psychological well-being and its basic components: life goals, self-acceptance and personal growth.
ISSN: 2311-8466
Appears in Collections:2016

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