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dc.contributor.authorБочевар, Алла Григорівна-
dc.contributor.authorBochevar, Alla Grygorivna-
dc.identifier.citationБочевар, А. Г. Реалізація моделі формування інформаційно-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх юристів засобами мультимедійних технологій / А. Г. Бочевар // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал. – 2016. – № 4. – С.
dc.description.abstractУ статті висвітлено зміст та результати експериментального дослідження щодо формування інформаційнокомунікативної компетентності майбутніх юристів, виявлено ступінь ефективності застосування мультимедійних технологій у якості засобу формування інформаційно-комунікативної компетентності фахівців означеного профілюThe article deals with the issue of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence formation. The developed model future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence formation includes three stages: motivational, reproduction-pragmatic and creative-resultative. At the first stage of the experiment the first pedagogical condition was implemented. It implied future lawyers’ understanding the necessity of ICT usage within the educational process and their further professional activities. With this purpose the special course ―Informative and communicative technologies in the modern professional and educational environment‖, consisted of lections and seminars-discussions, which were aimed at obtaining knowledge of ICT usage in the educational process and further professional activities. The students were taught by such techniques as lectiondialogue, lection-discussion, project method, audio-visual and problem methods. The second pedagogical condition (integration of students’ humanitarian and profession oriented training under conditions of multimedia educational environment) was implemented at the second stage of research within the special workshop during which the students were represented a number of multimedia integrated practical classes of Foreign Language with professional direction (in the English language), Legal Deontology, International and Criminal Law. The third stage (creative-resultative) dealt with the third pedagogical condition, i.e. stimulation of students’ self-dependent informative and communicative activity during the practicals. The students performed practical tasks aimed at forming skills of applying available knowledge of ICT for solving legal issues. This stage is characterized by the acquisition of skills of performing original actions with applying ICT independently and using the innovative approach for solving various legal tasks by means of ICT. Stimulation of students’ self-dependent informative and communicative activity was realized with the assistance of trainings, role plays, brainstorming, interviews and roundtable discussions. It gave an opportunity to activate the educating process, to speed up students’ complex theoretical knowledge and skills formation, which influences the improvement of the effectiveness of their future professional legal
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectкомпетентнісний підхідuk
dc.subjectінформаційно-комунікативна компетентністьuk
dc.subjectмультимедійні технологіїuk
dc.subjectмодель формування інформаційно-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх юристівuk
dc.subjectcompetency-based approachuk
dc.subjectinformative and communicative competenceuk
dc.subjectmultimedia technologieuk
dc.subjectmodel of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence formatiouk
dc.titleРеалізація моделі формування інформаційно-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх юристів засобами мультимедійних технологійuk
dc.title.alternativeImplemetation of the model of future lawyers'informative and communicative competence formation by means of multimedia technologiesuk
Appears in Collections:2016

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