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Results 61-70 of 319 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Didactic foundations of the foreign students’ professional and communicative competence formationЕрджиєс, Саїт Емре; Erdzhiyes, Sait Emre
2018Professionally oriented teaching for english language for future teachers of pre-school educational institutionsEmel'yanova, Dar'ya Volodymyrivna; Ємельянова, Дар’я Володимирівна; Shevchenko, Olga
2017Specificity of art faculties students ‟comprehension of Ukrainian myphology in the content of the course “History of Ukrainian culture”Batiuk, Zorina Stepanivna; Батюк, Зоріна Степанівна; Batiuk, Nataliya Orestivna; Батюк, Наталія Орестівна
2017Assessing master-degree students personal readiness for research activities and occupational workБалюк, Анна Сергіївна; Baliuk, Anna Sergiivna
2017Influence of individual work on the development of future teachers‟ professional qualitiesГурин, Руслан Сергійович; Gurіn, Ruslan Sergeevich
2017Innovative pedagogical technologies in a modern high school: facilitation and vitagene pedagogical technologies of teaching and upbringing studentsКурлянд, Зінаіда Наумівна; Kurlіand, Zinaida Naumivna; Галіцан, Ольга Анатоліївна; Halitsan, Olha Anatoliivna
2017Theoretical foundations of the personality-focused approach to teaching childrenБартєнєва, Ірина Олександрівна; Bartienieva, Iryna Oleksandrivna
2017Professional competence in political eliteКаменчук, Тетяна Олегівна; Kamenchyk, Tetiana Olegivna; Gordeeva, Margarita
2017Innovative teaching methods in the system of Israeli higher educationGorozhankina, Oksana Yuriivna; Горожанкіна, Оксана Юріївна
2018Communicative approach to developing linguocultural competence of future foreign language teachers via the course “linguistic country studies”Мельниченко, Галина Володимирівна; Melnychenko, Halyna Volodymyrivna; Радкіна, В. Ф.; Radkina, V.