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Title: Дидактичні основи формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх викладачів-філологів засобами бібліотечних ресурсів в умовах магістратури
Other Titles: Didactic bases of forming research skills by means of library resources in future teachers-philologists obtaining master degree
Authors: Чжоу, Цун
Zhou, Cong
Keywords: дидактичні основи формування дослідницьких умінь
дослідницька діяльність
пошукова діяльність
дослідницькі вміння
бібліотечні ресурси
педагогічні умови формування дослід-ницьких умінь
research activity
search activity
research skills
library resources
pedagogical conditions of forming research skills
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Чжоу Цун. Дидактичні основи формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх викладачів-філологів засобами бібліотечних ресурсів в умовах магістратури / Цун Чжоу // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - С. 209-213.
Abstract: У статті розглянуто питання організації дослідницької діяльності майбутніх викладачів-філологів засо-бами бібліотечних ресурсів та формування дослідницьких умінь у процесі цієї діяльності. Визначено дидактич-ні основи формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх викладачів-філологів засобами бібліотечних ресурсів в умовах магістратури; педагогічні умови формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх викладачів-філологів засо-бами бібліотечних ресурсів з урахуванням проблемного та розвивального навчання. . The article deals with the issues of organizing research activities of future teachers-philologists obtaining master degree by means of library resources, as well as the peculiarities of forming their research skills. Didactic bases of fu-ture teachers-philologists’ research skills formation by means of library resources in the process of obtaining master de-gree are determined. Pedagogical conditions of forming research skills of future teachers-philologists by means of li-brary resources are described. The formation of research skills in future teachers-philologists’ obtaining master degree is one of the most important tasks of higher education. The teaching process of teachers-philologists involves the forma-tion and development of their knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for their further professional activity, activation of cognitive and research activity, research skills, creative exploration, etc. Considering this fact, every future teacher-philologist should comprehend the essence of philological and pedagogical phenomena and processes, which is impos-sible without the search (research) activities. A teacher, especially a philologist, must be in constant creative search, ex-ploring, using new scientific achievements in his/her activities. Research skills are considered as a set of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the quality of a personality, who is able to perform research activities. They manifest in person’s interest in this kind of activities, commitment, courage, the ability to formulate correct statements, the devel-opment of creative thinking, etc. For example, the Statute of a higher educational institution on the educational process includes information that one of the main factors of preparing highly qualified specialists is their research activities. Fu-ture philologists should form their scientific worldview, learn the basics of scientific research, develop their creative thinking, etc. One of the most significant pedagogical conditions of future teachers-philologists’ research skills forma-tion by means of library resources is the understanding of the research activities (considering their purpose, objectives, content and methods of implementation). A teacher should thoroughly explain the content and tasks of this kind of ac-tivities; give the examples of previously performed tasks and ways of performing the best researches. Every student must have a conscious attitude to this process, willingness to develop his/her own research skills by means of library resources; interest of efficient implementation of actions aimed at solving research tasks, etc. One more important pedagogical condition of forming research skills in future teachers-philologists obtaining master degree is the organiza-tion and implementation of problematic and developmental teaching
Appears in Collections:2015

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