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Title: The cognitive strategy of post-neoclassical philosophy of history
Authors: Добролюбська, Юлія Андріївна
Dobrolyubska, Yulia Andriivna
Keywords: cognitive strategy
post-neoclassical philosophy
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Liha-Pres
Citation: Dobrolyubska Y. The cognitive strategy of post-neoclassical philosophy of history // Philosophical and methodological challenges of the study of modern society: collective monograph / T. V. Andrushchenko, Z. M. Atamaniuk, Ye. R. Borinshtein, Yu. А. Dobrolyubska, etc. – Lviv-Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2019. – P. 65-86.
Abstract: The article describes the basic principles of scientific study of the post-neoclassical subsystem of the philosophy of history. Three principles: historicism, objectivism and holism. In the principle of historicism, there are three aspects: recognizing that each era is a unique manifestation of the human spirit with its culture and values; understanding that the task of the historian is not simply to uncover such differences, but also to explain them by immersing them in a historical context, since the object of historical research cannot be detached from the environment; requirement is not considered in isolation historical events and present history as a process and called the link between events in time. The basis of principle of objectivism is the recognition of the past as subjective reality and the possibility of scientific knowledge, adequate historical reality. Historical objectivism within this principle is understood as a relationship of mutual dialogue between the investigated object and sub object of which it investigates. Historical knowledge is always subjects subjective reflection of the era and individual culture historian, but this does not negate the need to desire about objectivity, adequate reconstruction of the past. As against facility historical research differs past as having passed (and changed the world in some way), and present the past as in the present with our memory memory. Treatment principle of objectivism’s relationship through mutual dialogue between historian (subject) and historical reality (object) provides an opportunity to understand why historians are constantly competing points of view, and each generation rewrites history. The principle of holism restores the claim of historical science to the comprehension of the past as a “coherent matter” and raises the question of the need for global synthesis on the basis of the integration of micro and macro history, narrative and metatheory. The Post- Classical subsystem operates with a correspondent concept of truth. Scientific truth is always contextual and ascertained, subject to the adoption of methodological postulates, on the basis of which a specific research situation is constructed. In historical studies always search for scientific truth floor related to the study of Concrete t are historical events or historical building theories. Both approaches solve the problem about objectivity: theoretical history tries to find the truth of Concrete cleared so they figure, and the history of events wants to reveal the truth, given in full nuances of a particular event. Based on the correspondent conception of truth, post-neoclassicists seek to reconstruct historical reality in its entirety, concreteness and complexity, and come to the third principle of post-neoclassical philosophy of history, the principle of holism. This principle directs the historian, on the one hand, to the need for a holistic study of the object of study, and, on the other, to the study of historical reality as a hierarchy of “wholeness” that does not boil down to the parts of which it consists. It is emphasized that a sense of the whole as a context must always be present in the understanding of these parts.
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