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Title: Енкаустика: традиції та сучасні методи
Other Titles: Encaustic: traditions and modern methods
Authors: Кара, Олександр Дмитрович
Kara, Oleksandr
Keywords: техніка
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Кара О. Д. Енкаустика: традиції та сучасні методи / О. Д. Кара // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №8. - С.58-64.
Abstract: У статті пропонується теоретичне узагальнення способів енкаустики як однієї з найдавніших технік живопису, значне зацікавлення якою спостерігається у сучасній світовій художній практиці. Наукова новизна дослідження визначається власним досвідом роботи автора в енкаустиці. Техніка енкаустичного живопису, яку було використано під час написання картин, має специфічну авторську методологію, основні складові якої викладено в цій публікації на тлі історично сформованих і сучасних загальновизнаних способів. Encaustic as one of the oldest types of wax painting continues to be not only interesting for contemporary artists but is also actively studied in the global academic environment despite the fact that significant part of its secrets has been lost. The relevance of this study is defined by the need for theoretical generalization of methods of encaustic tech- nique, interest in which is growing in the world artistic practice. Its scientific novelty is determined by the significant personal author’s experience in the technique of encaustic on canvas and by the description of the process that had been independently developed and used when painting his own pictures. The purpose of the study includes the description of the evolution of the encaustic as a technique from ancient times to nowadays. It is concluded that there are no clear common criteria that would determine the framework of encaustic technique at the present stage. The author offers his own approach that has been used by him when creating his paintings using encaustic. It is based on encaustic basic principles, such as the use of wax, oils, resins, and so on, which were described in scientific works. The author proposes to use punic wax, dammar resin and rosin for the manufacturing of encaustic paints. Additional components are the linseed oil and turpen- tine. Punic wax, dammar resin and rosin with addition of a small amount of turpentine are used when priming the surface for applying a layer of paint. For most of the paintings rosin sizing have been used before applying other components. The paint can be applied both in a hot and cold method, depending on the design. The main components are: punic wax, dammar resin and pigments. When using the hot method, paints are heated on a marble slab and are applied to the canvas with the help of cauter. When using the cold method, punic wax, dammar resin, turpentine and paint are mixed. When applying paint by the cold method, a soldering iron and cauter can be also used.
Appears in Collections:2015

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