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Other Titles: Procedure of using inequalities in solving situation problems
Authors: Залівіна, Ірина Семенівна
Zalivinа, Iryna
Keywords: нерівності
властивості нерівностей та їх систем
текстові задачі
алгоритм розв’язку сюжетних задач
типові труднощі
properties of inequalities and their systems
situation problems
algorithm for solving situation problems
typical difficulties
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Залівіна І. С. Методика використання нерівностей під час розв’язання текстових задач / І. С. Залівіна // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №8. - С.51-57.
Abstract: У статті запропоновано методичні рекомендації щодо розв’язання задач на складання нерівностей. Ці рекомендації було реалізовано під час розгляду розв’язань окремих задач та в планах-конспектах уроків для різних класів школи. Визначено труднощі, з якими стикаються учні під час розв’язання текстових задач на складання нерівностей; запропоновано шляхи їх подолання. Також з’ясовано вміння, якими повинні володіти учні для успішного вирішення поставлених перед ними завдань..The paper is focused on the procedure of applying situation math problems when studying inequalities. The ability to solve situation problems is often a criterion of math knowledge acquisition as long as it allows to check the quality of mastering theoretical information, the ability to think logically, to determine math content using certain situations, ana- lyze it, to find efficient ways of achieving the goal. For this reason, the use of math problems at school provides deepen- ing knowledge on mathematics. Inequalities and their systems are a powerful tool for solving a great number of math problems at school. They should be used for consolidation, deepening, revision and expanding of theoretical know- ledge, for the development of creativity. When teaching math, problems are both a subject of learning and training de- vice. The guidelines for solving math problems with composing inequalities were offered. These guidelines were im- plemented while studying the solving of certain math problems as well as in lesson plans for different grades at school. The difficulties which students encounter while doing situation sums with composing inequalities were determined. They are the following: difficulties in estimating approach velocity when moving from the opposite direction, the speed of moving in the same direction or circling; composition of inequalities with variables introduced by a student him/herself; composition of a ratio for a function; logical solving of inequalities or their systems. The ways of overcom- ing the above mentioned difficulties are offered in the paper, each particular case is illustrated by a corresponding prob- lem. The students’ abilities required for successful solving of math problems are outlined. Students’ actions at different stages of doing situation sums are considered in details. The students’ abilities of interpreting problem statement into the mathematical language are given particular attention. It is concluded that the use of the math problems offered in the paper will improve students’ skills of solving situation problems; give them an opportunity to develop their memory and attention.
Appears in Collections:2015

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