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Title: Розробка та обґрунтування освітньо-виховного середовища у вихованні загальнолюдських цінностей у студентів класичного університету
Other Titles: Development and justification of educational environment in instilling human values in students of classical universities
Authors: Осіпцов, Андрій Валерійович
Osiptsov, Andrii
Keywords: загальнолюдські цінності
класичний університет
гармонійний розвиток
освітньо-виховне середовище
професійна освіта
соціальна цінність
human values
classical university
harmonious development
educational environment
professional education
social importance
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Осіпцов А. В. Розробка та обґрунтування освітньо-виховного середовища у вихованні загальнолюдських цінностей у студентів класичного університету / А. В. Осіпцов // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №5. - с.64-71.
Abstract: У статті обґрунтовано візуалізовану модель структурування освiтньо-виховного середовища загально- людських цінностей у студентів класичних університетів. Розкрито зміст поняття «класичний університет», який досить часто використовується у філософських, педагогічних, соціологічних, культурологічних, норма- тивно-правових літературних джерелах.,Social and cultural development of independent Ukraine have led to a new vision of the spiritual, moral and aes- thetic, intellectual, professional and labor potential, have accelerated changes in human minds, public life, have actual- ized complex axiological, praxiological, psychological and pedagogical problems of functioning of national educational system, as well as classical universities in our country. The article is aimed at implementing a systematic analysis of in- stilling human values in students of classical universities, developing and validating a theoretical model and criteria base of instilling human values in students. In the context of the goals and objectives of the study it is necessary to re- veal the essence of the concept of “classical university”, which is often used in philosophical, educational, social, cul- tural, legal literature. Its definition will provide the essential complement of conceptual principles of the research, speci- fication of organizational and managerial, environmental, social, functional, cultural, educational, spiritual and aesthetic features of the university, in terms of which the formation of human values of future specialists is provided. Systematic analysis of higher education proves that its structural and functional components form education environment of an educational institution, which consists of the following subsystems: a subsystem of social communication and interac- tion (between students, teachers the whole community, academic groups, pedagogical staff); subsystem of formative influence of professional training factors (determining, educative, developing and transforming); subsystem of forma- tive influence on students’ minds (moral and aesthetic, legal, spiritual and aesthetic, scientific, professional, recreation- al). The outlined number of innovative and projective parameters finds its reflection in the visualized model of educa- tive environment of classical university that allows understanding and using the patterns of its functioning in order to instill in students human values. Projective and educational essence of educational environment of a higher educational establishment, visualized model of its structuring in the process of instilling human values in students proves that the professional education, upbringing of future specialists’ personalities in the presented scientific and axiological study complies with the concept of V. Vernadsky concerning its spiritual development, which is aimed at creating a cultural environment of a university, providing each lesson and the whole educational process special aura of reverence for val- ues of life, beauty, integrity, human dignity.
Appears in Collections:2015

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