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Title: Характеристика психологічних детермінант педагогічної майстерності
Other Titles: Characteristics of psychological determinant of pedagogical mastery
Authors: Потєхіна, Юлія Сергіївна
Potekhina, Yuliia
Keywords: педагогічна майстерність
психологічні детермінанти
педагогічні здібності
педагогічна діяльність
pedagogical mastery
psychological determinants
pedagogical skills
pedagogical activity
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Потєхіна Ю. С. Характеристика психологічних детермінант педагогічної майстерності / Ю. С. Потєхіна // Наука і освіта. - №1. - 2015. - С. 141-145.
Abstract: У статті окреслені базові тлумачення педагогічної майстерності у науковій думці та її зв'язок із суміж-ними поняттями. Автором розглянуто основні психологічні детермінанти педагогічної майстерності та до-ведено їх ключову значущість.мастерства.Professionalism of a person in any field depends on the level of his/her mastery maturity. A concept "expert" (ac-cording to the dictionary of V. Dal) is considered as such a level of professionalism, when a specialist, being well-informed and confident in the sphere of his/her business, knows and understands the personality psychology and the subject he/she teaches, as well as methods of teaching and education. This factor is important foremost for working in the field of education. Taking into consideration that pedagogical skills are very important in the process of forming pe-dagogical mastery that in turn is a prerequisite of high efficiency of pedagogical activity, the process of developing pe-dagogical skills of students must be dominant in the system of higher pedagogical education. Except pedagogical skills in general, the pedagogical mastery determinants are pedagogical orientation, consciousness, stress tolerance, individual typological features. The basic component of a teacher’s personality structure is a pedagogical orientation of his/her ac-tivity, which determines his/her behavior, attitude towards the occupation and to children (orientation at the acceptance of children’s personality). Professional pedagogical orientation is a substantial part and a precondition of the real au-thority of a teacher, one of the major factors of achieving successes in the field of professional pedagogical activity. The orientation of a teacher’s personality predetermines the success and the result of his/her professional activity. Pedagogi-cal mastery is a high level of pedagogical activity. The essence of pedagogical mastery is the qualities acquired by a teacher during his/her professional becoming, which actually provide its success.
Appears in Collections:2015

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