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Title: Рефлексивне обгрунтування предметного поля психокультури
Other Titles: Reflexive justification of subject field of psychoculture
Authors: Ревасевич, І. С.
Keywords: психіка
культурна психологія
психологічна культура
вітакультурна методологія
cultural psychology
psychological culture
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Ревасевич, І. С. Рефлексивне обгрунтування предметного поля психокультури / І. С. Ревасевич // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал . – 2017. – № 1. – С. 28-32.
Abstract: У статті здійснено теоретико-методологічний аналіз основних наукових підходів до дослідження взаємодії психіки і культури. На основі діалектичного методу Г. В. Ф. Гегеля обґрунтовано рух-розвиток поняття «психокультура»: «теза (культурна психологія) – антитеза (психологічна культура) – синтез (психо-культура)». У результаті розкрито ґенезу феномену психокультури як сфери суспільної реальності – поняття,запропонованого А. В. Фурманом у 2001 році для позначення синтетичного напрямку пізнання та проектування надскладних людиноцентричних систем.The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of psychoculture as an important sphere of social reality. The research presents the comparative analysis of domestic and foreign scientific approaches to the issue of interaction of two substances – the psyche and culture. Without using the term “psychoculture”, scientists generally considered its essential content in the context of the collective unconscious or spirituality of people. Domestic philosopher S. Krymskiy described features and some aspects of psycho-culture of the Ukrainian society. The methodological reflection of the mentioned theoretical sources on the basis of the dialectical method of G. Hegel has made it possible to determine the stages of the development of the term “psychoculture”: “thesis (cultural psychology) – antithesis (psychological culture) – synthesis (psychoculture)”. It has been established that the culture and psychology are closely related to each other. Namely the culture is one of the most important factors forming the human psyche. Today the connection of psyche and culture is studied by such scientific disciplines as cross-cultural and cultural psychology, the boundaries between which are unclear. It is argued that “psychoculture” and “psychological culture” are considered by scholars as interchangeable categorical concepts and identified with the pedagogical competence and professional perfection of a personality. A psycho-philosophical concept of this issue by Ukrainian psychologist A. Furman is considered to be the most methodologically mature. In 2001, he introduced the concept of psychoculture into the scientific world and also prepared and implemented a curriculum of the discipline “Psychoculture of innovative socio systems”. The author considers psycho-culture as historically conditioned, dynamic, program-spiritual focus of the large or localized society on one or another way of life activity (in the forms of behavior, activity, communication, action), which ensures the survival, reproduction and renewal of psychosocial vitality of separate communities and groups, first of all the ideas, attitudes, values, representations, norms and models of human actions, the national mentality and societal psyche in general. In other studies, psychoculture is regarded as the center of vita cultural methodology, presented thought schemes of basic forms, philosophical-methodological dimensions, types, and determinants of psychoculture.
ISSN: 2311-8466
Appears in Collections:2017

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