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Title: New technologies and innovative pedagogy
Authors: Aberšek, Boris
Flogie, Andrej
Keywords: Learning process
cybernetic pedagogy
cognitive science
hybrid systems
programmed learning
learning algorithm
e-learning material
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: ІЦО НАПН України
Citation: Boris Aberšek New technologies and innovative pedagogy / Aberšek Boris, Andrej Flogie // Адаптивні технології управління навчанням: збірник матеріалів дев’ятої міжнародної конференції. Одеса-Київ, 25–27 жовтня 2023 р. – Київ: ІЦО НАПН України, 2023. С.70-73.
Abstract: Based on our previous educational researches we discuss whether it is possible to replace a human teacher with a virtual (machine) teacher, refereeing the hidden layers of doing so, as well as considering the technological possibilities currently available explain what this means in a society. For, an adaptation of current cybernetic into cybernetic pedagogy as cognitive modelling within a compounded educational system is proposed. Since a positive answer to the question can the human mind and learning be formalised and reduced to the language of science is essential for the success, we will try to prove this by using revised cybernetic pedagogy and didactics and cognitive neuroeducation approach.
Appears in Collections:Адаптивні технології управління навчанням ATL (2023)

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