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Title: Facilitation as an outlook orientation of the modern teacher
Other Titles: Фасилітація як світоглядна орієнтація сучасного вчителя
Authors: Halitsan, Olha Anatoliivna
Галіцан, Ольга Анатоліївна
Койчева, Тетяна Іванівна
Koycheva, Tetyana Ivanivna
Kurlіand, Zinaida Naumivna
Курлянд, Зинаида Наумівна
Keywords: facilitation
facilitation competency
humanistic outlook
фасилітація компетентність
гуманістичний світогляд
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Аріельський Університет за підтримки Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Halitsan O. А. Facilitation as an outlook orientation of the modern teacher / O. А. Halitsan, Z. N. Kurlіand, Т. І. Koycheva // Мodern tendencies in the pedagogical science of Ukraine and Israel: the way to integration. – 2019. – Ariel. – Issue №10. – Р. 68-73.
Abstract: The article reveals the outlook context of the modern teacher’s pedagogical facilitation. The researchers clarified the content of the concepts «outlook», «facilitation», «facilitation competency of a teacher». The authors specify the outlook as a system of generalized knowledge and ideas of a person about reality, a system of beliefs and ideals that reveal a practical and theoretical attitude to the world, his ability to view, understand and evaluate the surrounding reality, a way of knowing himself as a specific historical subject. It is stated that facilitation is a specific form of communication, which facilitates interaction in the process of joint activity of the subjects of the educational process
Appears in Collections:2019

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