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Title: Technology of pedagogical morality formation during future teachers training
Authors: Курлянд, Зинаида Наумівна
Kurlіand, Zinaida Naumivna
Keywords: pedagogical morality
future teachers training
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Аріельський Університет за підтримки Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського
Citation: Kurliand Z. Technology of pedagogical morality formation during future teachers training / Zinaida Kurliand // Мodern tendencies in the pedagogical science of Ukraine and Israel: the way to integration. – Ariel. – 2016. – Issue №7. – рр. 222-227.
Abstract: In the article morality is interpreted as the scope of normative regulation of human society, thus teaching morality can be defined as a special way of normative regulation of educational activities of teachers in society, which is aimed at regulating the relations of the participants, in particular to communicate with students, their parents, colleagues.
Appears in Collections:2016

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