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dc.contributor.authorБосенко, Анатолій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorBosenko, Anatoliy Ivanovych-
dc.contributor.authorТопчій, Марія Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorTopchii, Mariia Sergiivna-
dc.identifier.citationБосенко А. И. Общее функциональное состояние центральной нервной системы у студентов 1 курса факультета физической реабилитации / А. И. Босенко, М. С. Топчий // Освіта і здоров’я підростаючого покоління : матеріали Міжнар. симп. (Київ, 26-28 квітня 2016) :зб. наук. праць. ‒ Київ, 2016. ‒ Вип. 1. ‒ С, 255-258.-
dc.description.abstractThe status of the central nervous system of the first-year students of faculty physical rehabilitation at rest, under the influence of physical activity and recovery in the fifth minute was studied. We used the method of reaction rate analyzer when registering a simple visual-motor response according to T.D. Loskutova. As a muscle loading, it was used the bicycle exercise testing in a closed cycle (with reverse) according to D.N. Davidenko method. In a state of relative calm, muscle group means the stability of reaction, the functional level of the system and the level of functionality were in the average level of general brain functional state, and correspond to the age norm. However, the individual analysis showed the ambiguity of the initial functional state in the integrated plan, and on separate criteria. Under the influence of dose loads on the fifth minute of the recovery the number of students with a middle- and low-a common of the functional state of the brain increased; a high level of functional state of the central nervous system was registered less frequently. Individual analysis found out multidirectional dynamics of the studied criteria, depending on the initial level. Some of the young men had pathological
dc.subjectsimple visual-motor reactionuk
dc.subjectthe functional level of the system-
dc.subjectthe reaction sustainability level of functionality-
dc.titleОбщее функциональное состояние центральной нервной системы у студентов 1 курса факультета физической реабилитацииuk
Appears in Collections:Кафедра біології і охорони здоров’я

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