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dc.contributor.authorДіколь-Кобріна, Олена Андріївна-
dc.contributor.authorDikol-Kobrina, Olena-
dc.identifier.citationДіколь-Кобріна О. А. Роль куратора в психологічному супроводі адаптації студентів-першокурсників / О. А. Діколь-Кобріна / Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №11-12. - С
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглядаються питання про роль куратора для студентів різних курсів; розкривається зна- чення терміна «куратор»; описуються фактори, що впливають на успішність процесу адаптації студентів у групі; проаналізовано, у яких напрямках здійснюється діяльність куратора. The article is aimed at revealing the main peculiarities of mentor’s work and his/her role in university students’ life. The review of scientific literature allows to consider a mentor of a higher educational institution as an educator, who not only supervises students’ studying, but also actively engages them into the educational process, using the sys- tem of interrelations, based on collaboration and partnership. One of the main tasks of any mentor is to help first- and second-year-students quickly adapt to the student life, learn their rights and duties, understand the organization of the educational process at a university, and create positive atmosphere in a group. A mentor has several social roles, he/she is considered as an organizer, a sociologist, a coach, a guide, and a director. New educational environment as well as anew social status require first-year-students to obtain new behavior patterns. This process may cause some psychologi- cal stresses, and a mentor helps students overcome all psychological and social difficulties at this stage of their personal development. Besides, there have been distinguished the following factors of successful relations between a lecturer and a student: moral maturity of a lecturer, his/her professional scholarly erudition, psycho-pedagogical preparedness; effi- ciency of pedagogical interaction, authenticity of professional behavior; his/her ability to perform a personality-oriented approach. Besides, the following aspects of pedagogues’ activities, required for the process of psychological follow-up of first-year-students’ adaptation, have been determined: psychosocial aspect (educator’s skills of working with stu- dents), individual psychological aspect (personality mobilization for solving potential problems), psycho-didactic (ac- tivities aimed at educational tasks solution). All these aspects are interconnected in the system of relations between lec- turers and students. Modern education is aimed at solving such tasks as creating conditions for increasing competitive- ness of a personality, providing professional and social mobility, training qualified staff, etc. Thus, the goals of men- tor’s activities are teambuilding, formation of professional qualities in students; because it is the team where optimal conditions for the realization of personal potential and development of communicative, organizational and analytics abilities of future professionals can be
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectпсихологічне супроводженняuk
dc.subjectвищий навчальний закладuk
dc.subjectpsychological follow-upuk
dc.subjecthigher educational institutionuk
dc.titleРоль куратора в психологічному супроводі адаптації студентів-першокурсниківuk
dc.title.alternativeRole of mentor in psychological follow-up of first-year-students’ adaptationuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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