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dc.contributor.authorМоскалюк, Олена Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorMoskaliuk, Olena Victorivna-
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглядається система вправ для практичної реалізації методики навчання англійського публіч- ного мовлення майбутніх політологів на основі виступів британських та американських політичних діячів. У процесі розвитку вмінь публічного мовлення майбутніх політологів ми враховували той факт, що однією з най- важливіших умов формування ефективної системи вправ є реалізація дидактичних принципів навчання. Опра- цьовано вимоги та параметри до вправ. Розроблена система вправ складається з трьох блоків відповідно до розглянутих етапів навчання англійського публічного мовлення майбутніх політологів. The article deals with the system of exercises for practical implementation methods of teaching English public speech of future politologists on the basis of performances of British and American politicians. During the development of future political scientists’ skills of public speech, we considered the fact that one of the most important conditions for the formation of an effective system of exercises is the realization of didactic principles of teaching. The author revised requirements and options to exercises. A system of exercises consists of three parts according to the stages of learning English public speech of future political scientists. The development of skills of the English public speech of future politologists is carried out in terms of artificial language environment. That is why the most important factor in ensuring the success of training is to create an appropriate system of exercises. In order to construct a rational system of exercises to train the English public speech of future political scientists the author considered: a) requirements for exercises; b) types of exercises to teach the English public speech of future political scientists on the basis of statements of British and American politicians. Based on the requirements for the exercises for the formation and development of language skills, the author dis- tinguished the following parameters: motivation (the formation of tasks to exercises involves a clear statement of objectives); communication (non-communicative, conditionally communicative, communicative); the presence of a component of the game (no role components, with role-playing game components); way of organization (group, pair and individual); professional orientation. The author theoretically grounded and represented a system of exercises to develop the skills of English public speech of future political scientists. Exercises that were implemented in linguistic and informative stage of training, are focused on raising awareness of future political scientists’ specialized vocabulary and formation of the language skills on their basis. In content-analytical phase of training exercises aimed at developing skills to analyze structural and substantive aspects of public speaking texts of British and American politicians were used. In professional speech stage of training the exercises that develop public speaking skills on a given subject were used. Non-adapted authentic texts of British and American politicians were used in this system of
dc.publisherМоскалюк О. В. Система вправ з навчання англійського публічного мовлення майбутніх політологів / О. В. Москалюк // Наука і освіта. - 2015. - №5. - с
dc.subjectсистема вправuk
dc.subjectдидактичні принципи навчанняuk
dc.subjectвимоги до вправuk
dc.subjectпараметри вправuk
dc.subjectтип вправuk
dc.subjectsystem of exercisesuk
dc.subjectdidactic learning principlesuk
dc.subjectrequirements to exerciseuk
dc.subjectoptions of exercisesuk
dc.subjecttype of exercisesuk
dc.titleСистема вправ з навчання англійського публічного мовлення майбутніх політологівuk
dc.title.alternativeExercises for teaching english public speech to future politologistsuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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