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dc.contributor.authorБондаренко, Володимир Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorBondarenko, Volodymyr-
dc.identifier.citationБондаренко В. І. Моніторинг формування професійного іміджу майбутніх учителів технологій / В. І. Бондаренко // Наука і освіта. - №4. - 2015. - С.
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена моніторингу формування професійного іміджу майбутніх вчителів технологій, а са-ме: проаналізовано наукові підходи до визначення сутності освітнього моніторингу, його цілей та функцій, розглянуто принципи моніторингу в освіті, вимоги до його проведення та особливості моніторингу формуван-ня професійного іміджу майбутніх вчителів технологій.Professional image of the future specialist is a phenomenon that can be managed. Pedagogical monitoring allows to make permanent tracking of the dynamics of the level of formation of students’ professional image and to interpret the obtained data, to provide feedback, to develop recommendations, and make appropriate adjustments in the process of formation of students’ professional image, and on this basis to carry out effectively the functions of management. Monitoring in education has three major components: it requires the regular collection of data, it requires the synthesis and assessment of this information, and, in the author’s opinion, the most important thing is that it requires the imple-mentation of monitoring results into management practice. As a part of the monitoring, the identification and evaluation of the pedagogical action are carried out. This process provides the feedback that informs about the conformity of actual results of the activities of the teaching staff to the ultimate goal. Relevant functions for monitoring of the system of forming future technology teachers’ professional image are the following: diagnostic, strategic, analytical, information-al, corrective and prognostic ones. Monitoring of the system of formation of future technology teachers’ professional image has two interrelated aspects – monitoring of the level of future technology teachers’ professional image maturity and monitoring teachers’ activities in developing the professional image of future technology teachers. The research hasidentified monitoring as a tool of managing the formation system of future technology teachers’ professional image, which provides permanent, specially organized, systematic observation of the level of formation of students’ profes-sional image in order to ascertain its conformity to a desired result or a particular purpose. Monitoring of this aspect in-cludes a process of data collection, analysis of the information on the main indicators of the objects, impact factors, dy-namics to assess the efficiency of formation of future technology teachers’ professional image and making management decisions about the conformity of the actual results to the planned ones on this basis and their further
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectпрофесійний іміджuk
dc.subjectосвітній моніторингuk
dc.subjectмайбутній вчитель технологійuk
dc.subjectформування професійного іміджу майбутніх вчителів технологійuk
dc.subjectобразовательный мониторингuk
dc.subjectprofessional imageuk
dc.subjecteducational monitoringuk
dc.subjectfuture technology teacheruk
dc.subjectcreating future technology teachers’ professional imageuk
dc.titleМоніторинг формування професійного іміджу майбутніх учителів технологійuk
dc.title.alternativeMonitoring of future technology teachers` professional image formationuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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