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dc.contributor.authorСпиридонова, Лідія Костянтинівна-
dc.contributor.authorSpyrydonova, Lidiia-
dc.identifier.citationСпиридонова Л. К. Асоціативний експеримент як засіб дослідження образу світу / Л. К. Спирипдонова // Наука і освіта. - №1. - 2015. - С. 152-158uk
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглядається асоціативний експеримент як один із засобів дослідження деяких особливостей образу світу. Описується дослідження, проведене з використанням асоціативного експерименту. Наводяться отримані дані в двох вікових вибірках (студентів і викладачів) до слів «свобода», «щастя»украинцев. The paper is focused on association experiment as a means of investigating some special aspects of one’s worldview. The research made on the basis of association experiment is described. The data obtained in two age samples (students and teachers) – associations with the words “freedom” and “happiness” – are represented. The research involved 139 people including 71 first- and second-year female students of Odesa higher educational institutions as well as 68 senior school teachers from school of Odesa and Odesa region (women). While selecting the participants of adults sample their age was taken into account – above 35 years (their worldview should be formed in the Soviet Union). The reason for choosing the teachers was that value orientations of students and teachers belonging to one culture are generally the same, which increases the comparative analysis validity in a way. In the course of the study the hypotheses suggested at the beginning were proved, which means that a research based on the asso-ciative experiment can help reveal meanings and senses belonging to surface structures as well as those ones which exist in re-mote structures and can be transferred across the generations. Content-analysis of the association experiment results made it poss-ible to reveal in meanings obtained for the words “freedom” and “happiness” the senses which could belong to remote structures of the worldview as long as they are rather stable and not easily transformed, for example, “freedom”–“freedom from", “happi-ness”–“family”. Additionally, the content-analysis allowed to group some senses which were produced by the surveyed for the words-stimuli “freedom” and “happiness” into the category “existential conceptions”. It proves the idea that “spirituality” is a part of nuclear structures of Ukrainians’ worldview; it is invariable, transferred across the generations and can be considered as one of the culturally specific features of Ukrainian people’s
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectобраз світуuk
dc.subjectасоціативний експериментuk
dc.subjectвільний асоціативний експериментuk
dc.subjectособистісні смислиuk
dc.subjectassociation experimentuk
dc.subjectfrees association experimentuk
dc.subjectpersonality sensesuk
dc.titleАсоціативний експеримент як засіб дослідження образу світуuk
dc.title.alternativeAssociation experiment as means to research one`s worldviewuk
Appears in Collections:2015

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