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dc.contributor.authorОрлик, Надія Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorOrlyk, Nadiia Anatoliivna-
dc.contributor.authorБосенко, Анатолій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorBosenko, Anatoliy Ivanovych-
dc.identifier.citationОрлик Н. А. Міжсистемне забезпечення функціональних можливостей студенток 17–22 років впродовж оваріально-менструального циклу / Н. А. Орлик, А. І. Босенко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 4, том 3 (141). - С.
dc.description.abstractМетою даної роботи було дослідити фізичну працездатність дівчат 17-22 років, як інтегральний критерій функціональних можливостей організму та міжсистемну взаємодію її забезпечення впродовж оваріально-менструального циклу. У дослідженні прийняли участь 28 студенток 17-22 років з регуляр- ним менструальним циклом у кожну його фазу. Разом проведено більше 160 обстежень. За результатами досліджень зареєстровано високу фізичну працездатність в передменструальну, постменструальну і постовуляторну фази ОМЦ. У ці фази відмічено найменшу кількість зв’язків (n=47–51), що свідчить про жорсткість адаптивної відповіді на навантаження. Низька фізична працездатність зареєстрована в менструальну і овуляторну фази МЦ і супроводжувалась найбільшою кількістю зв’язків (n=56–57). Кореляційний аналіз виявив середньої і високої міцності зв’язків з показниками ССС її ефективності регуляції і енергетичного рівня організму у стані відносного спокою. Загальний функціональний стан мозку мав менш виражений вплив на фізичну працездатність студенток.The functional status assessment of untrained women in terms of the compalsory annual medical examination includes a series of tests on physical fitness, which cannot determine their adaptive capabilities completely. The prepathological and pathological conditions occur on the background of incomplete examination and various high loads, provoking functional destabilization of all body systems, including reproductive. The aim of the research was to examine the physical efficiency of girls aged 17-22 years as an integral criterion for the functional capabilities of the organism as well as intersystem interaction of its support during ovarianmenstrual cycle. Methods of the research. The study involved 28 female students aged 17-22 years with a regular menstrual cycle in each of its phases. Girls did not engage in one sport, did not attend sport and fitness clubs, their physical activity included only attending compulsory physical education classes at the university, according to curriculum for 1-2 year students. The physical efficiency of girls was examined using technique of dosed cyclic load testing with reverse. This technique makes it possible to identify the indicators of physical efficiency and cardiovascular system response, to determine regulatory and energy components of the human organism systemic response. Correlation analysis for detection of possible links between certain parameters (n = 94) was performed using SPSS Statistics 16.0. Results of the research. According to the basic anthropometric parameters, the girls met the normative values and did not differ significantly from the girls of the same age of the Odessa region. Significant differences duringthe various phases of ovarian-menstrual cycle according to the average statistical data of physical efficiency were not determined. Insignificant increase in criteria for the overall physical performance of girls who did not engage in sports was observed in the post-menstrual and premenstrual phases of the menstrual cycle. The minimum of correlations (n = 47−51) was determined during these phases, which indicated more rational adaptive response to the dosed physical load. Decrease in physical performance was recorded in the menstrual and ovulatory phases of the menstrual cycle, which was accompanied by the greatest number of interconnections (n = 56−57), which indicated less adaptive capacity. Correlation analysis revealed the average and high strength connections with extracardiac parameters of cardiovascular system, effectiveness of its regulation and energy level of the organism at relative muscular rest. Consequently, during the menstrual cycle the physical performance value PWC170 had strong relation to the overall time, volume, and capacity of the performed work in the closed cycle and according to the level of maximum oxygen consumption. The degree of stress on the regulatory mechanisms of the heart rhythm significantly effected the functional capabilities dynamics of girls aged 17-22 years, but the general functional state of the brain had less pronounced effect on the physical performance of female students. Conclusions. The anthropometry data of the examined girls corresponded to the normative values of the same age girls of the Odessa region. The average statistical fluctuations in the level of physical performance during the ovarian-menstrual cycle were insignificant. The individual analysis has determined, that in each phase of the menstrual cycle 35-40% of girls presented both high and low values of physical performance, which indicated the individual manifestation of functional capabilities. The growth of physical efficiency was accompanied by the decrease in number and strength of intersystem connections of its support at muscular rest. Prospects for further research include increase in the contingent number considering age, sex and professional characteristics and more detailed study of other factors affecting the dynamics of the organism functional
dc.publisherПолтава: [б. в.]uk
dc.subjectвелоергометричне навантаженняuk
dc.subjectфункціональні можливостіuk
dc.subjectадаптивна відповідьuk
dc.subjectадаптивный ответuk
dc.subjectveloergometric loaduk
dc.subjectfemale studentsuk
dc.subjectmenstrual cycleuk
dc.subjectfunctional capabilitiesuk
dc.subjectadaptive responseuk
dc.titleМіжсистемне забезпечення функціональних можливостей студенток 17–22 років впродовж оваріально-менструального циклуuk
dc.title.alternativeIntersystem support of functional capacity of female students aged 17-22 years during ovarian-menstrual cycleuk
Appears in Collections:Кафедра біології і охорони здоров’я

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