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dc.contributor.authorБуздуган, Олена Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorBuzdugan, Olena Anatoliivna-
dc.identifier.citationБуздуган О. А. Наступність дошкільного навчального закладу та школи у сімейному вихованні / О. А. Буздуган // Наука і освіта. – № 2. - 2014. – С.
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми наступності дошкільних навчальних закладів та школи в роботі педагогів із батьками дошкільників. Обґрунтовується необхідність удосконалення змісту і форм роботи педагога в даному напрямку. Статья посвящена исследованию проблемы преемственности дошкольных учебных заведений и школы в работе педагогов с родителями дошкольника. Обосновывается необходимость совершенствования содержания и форм работы педагога в данном направлении. The article is devoted to research of a problem of continuity of pre-school and school teachers’ work with parents of preschoolers. The concept "continuity" in pedagogical and psychological research is considered. So, the concept “continuity” is broad - as a continuous process of education and training of a child which has general and specific goals for each age period, that is the connection between different levels of development, the essence of which is to preserve certain elements of the whole or individual characteristics in transition to a new state. In psychological research "continuity" at the pre-stage of development means providing background to schooling, i.e. overall readiness of the child to school without any adverse impact to the psyche. The family role in this direction is developed. It gives socializing influence on the personality by means of normative and informational influence. It is done via a system of sanctions that parents use in raising the child, as well as educating him on some issues. The features of the teacher cooperation with parents are characterized. Teacher who knows the psychology of communication, basics of sociology and conflictology can confidently build a dialogue with parents, impart the professional knowledge. He should be more enterprising in communicating with them. Certainly, pre-school educational institution needs changes itself, in recognition the families of children as equal partners in the interaction with a common goal - to provide them with a happy childhood. The necessity of improving the content and forms of preschool educational institutions and schools interaction with parents is proved. As a whole, “interaction” is a dialogue of teacher and parents, its effectiveness is determined by what persons are involved in it, how they feel personalities themselves and see the personality in everyone they communicate. The sense of such interaction is the parents involvement to educational work of preschool institution through discussion and solution common matters, specific issues and educational problems, sharing pedagogical, psychological, medical knowledge and best practices of family education among parents; the enrichment by new educational technologies. Thus, the united work of teachers and parents on the issue of continuity of pre-school educational institutions and schools promotes the activity of parents in this direction, updating of their knowledge, their personal
dc.publisherНауково-практичний журнал Південного наукового центру НАПН Україниuk
dc.subjectдошкільний навчальний закладuk
dc.subjectпочаткова школаuk
dc.subjectдошкольное учебное заведениеuk
dc.subjectначальная школаuk
dc.subjectelementary schooluk
dc.titleНаступність дошкільного навчального закладу та школи у сімейному вихованніuk
dc.title.alternativeContinuity of preschool educational institutions and schools in the family education of preschoolersuk
Appears in Collections:2014

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