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dc.contributor.authorСогоконь, О. А.-
dc.identifier.citationСогоконь О. А. Мотиваційно-цільова спрямованість студентської молоді до активних занять фізичним вихованням і спортом / О. А. Согоконь // Наука і освіта. - 2014. - № 4. - С.
dc.description.abstractУ статті аналізуються регулярні заняття фізичним вихованням і спортом, які є могутнім стимулом залучення молоді до здорового способу життя, формують культуру здоров’я особистості. Для формування мотивації до занять фізичними вправами і дотримання здорового способу життя є спрямованість системи вузівського виховання і освіти, направленої на активізацію мотиваційних інтересів студентської молоді. The article deals with a problem of motivational and goal orientation of students to active physical training and sports activities. It was stated, that regular physical exercises and sports promote not only increasing the physical activity of student youth, but also are a powerful motivation to lead a healthy life, active and regular physical training. Improvement in students’ physical state and consequently, their health, is possible under the conditions of systematic purposeful physical exercises, which have training and developing character. Such forms of activity at an educational institution are Physical Training lessons, section classes and individual home tasks. According to the survey, about 7% of students perform home assignments. The results of the research showed that doing of home assignments can be an effective form, which will promote the development of the physical fitness just in case students are interested in it. Our investigations confirm that requirements, motives and interests in the area of Physical Education have age peculiarities and are associated with the psychological development, social formation of an individual, temperament, social and economical living conditions of a certain family. We revealed the age structure of students’ motives and interests in the area of Physical Training and Sports, as well as the factors and motives, which promote the formation of the students’ motivation to physical development and self-improvement. We also developed some recommendations, which allow making changes in the program of Physical Training in an educational institution, methodology of organizing educational and extracurricular forms of classes, contents of sport TV programs for young people, mass media publications that will positively influence the formation of the healthy lifestyle of students and culture of physical health. The perspectives of further scientific researches in this field will be directed on the application of the motivational factors for the improvement of the disciplines, training of future Physical Education teachers and children coaches in higher educational
dc.publisherДержавний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»uk
dc.subjectmotivational valuesuk
dc.subjectstudent youthuk
dc.subjectphysical training and sportsuk
dc.subjectactive traininguk
dc.subjectстудентська молодьuk
dc.subjectфізичне виховання и спортuk
dc.subjectактивні заняттяuk
dc.subjectмотиваційні цінностіuk
dc.subjectздоровий спосіб життяuk
dc.titleМотиваційно-цільова спрямованість студентської молоді до активних занять фізичним вихованням і спортомuk
dc.title.alternativeMotivational and goal orientation of student youth to active physical training classes and sportsuk
Appears in Collections:2014

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