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dc.contributor.authorКозак, А. В.-
dc.contributor.authorТолкунова, І. В.-
dc.identifier.citationКозак А. В. Розвиток перцептивних вмінь у майбутніх учителів з фізичної культури / А. В. Козак, І. В. Толкунова // Наука і освіта. - 2014. - № 4. - С.
dc.description.abstractПроблеми формування педагогічної майстерності й особистості педагога дуже актуальні для сучасної підготовки фахівців. Педагогічні уміння, навички і здібності є найважливішим компонентом кваліфікаційної характеристики педагога. Міжособистісне сприйняття чи пізнання людьми один одного, спостереження змін особистості учня, розуміння стану іншої людини, надання емоційної підтримки є необхідною складовою в педагогічній діяльності. The article deals with the problems of training future teachers of physical culture to their pedagogical activity. The forma tion of perceptual skills is a relevant and complex problem, which includes insufficient level of knowledge about ways, methods, tools and conditions of forming perceptual skills among students. That is why theoretical and practical mastering of a method of forming perceptual skills, holistic conception of tools and ways of improving future physical training teachers’ work as well as insufficient amount of special pedagogical investigations concerning this issue has determined the topic of our study. Nowadays a social demand of a new type of a teacher appeared and this pedagogue should be guided by humanistic values, that means his abilities to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, cooperation in a class, paying more attention to personality of subjects of the educational process, to the issue of ―humanization‖ of relationships with them in the process of pedagogical communica tion. In this regard, new professional requirements to a pedagogue have appeared, because he is the central person in the organiza tional process of educational relationship, which promote or hinder wellness, successful training and development of children at school. Creation of the relationship of mutual understanding in a great degree is determined by maturity of socio-perceptual skills and abilities of a teacher, because any communication begins with perception and estimation of the communication partner. The ability of a teacher is not only to exchange the information in the interaction with a pupil, but also to percept and estimate him in a proper and kind way, to realize his own and to feel a pupil’s state, to understand and predict his behavior right – all these facts are an integral part of professional competence of a modern pedagogue. Thus, socio-perceptual skills of a teacher are one of the most important components of his professional competence, because they provide mutual understanding and creation of humanistic relationships with
dc.publisherДержавний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»uk
dc.subjectperceptual skillsuk
dc.subjectphysical educationuk
dc.subjectfuture teachersuk
dc.subjectprofessional and educational activitiesuk
dc.subjectперцептивні вмінняuk
dc.subjectфізична культураuk
dc.subjectмайбутній учительuk
dc.subjectпрофесійно-педагогічна діяльністьuk
dc.titleРозвиток перцептивних вмінь у майбутніх учителів з фізичної культуриuk
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of perceptual skills of future physical training teachersuk
Appears in Collections:2014

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