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dc.contributor.authorХарченко, А. С.-
dc.contributor.authorKharchenko, A. S.-
dc.identifier.citationХарченко, А. С. Викладання педагогічної психології: від теорії до практики / А. С. Харченко // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал . – 2016. – № 2-3. – С.
dc.description.abstractСтаттю присвячено питанням викладання педагогічної психології студентам педагогічного університе- ту. Аналізуються прийоми активізації пізнавальної діяльності студентів при вивченні педагогічної психології (зіставлення підходів учених до проблеми, узагальнення викладачем висновку не до кінця, проблемні завдання і питання, дискусії, аналіз конкретних ситуацій та інші). Обґрунтовується їх роль у підвищенні професійної компетентності студентів, а також в організації педагогічної взаємодії. .The article deals with the problem of teaching pedagogical psychology to students of Pedagogical Universities. It is proved that one of the most important directions of improvement of higher education in Ukraine is the transition from the subjective to the person-oriented studying. The aim of this studying is the personality of a student and his/her professional qualities. The qualitative higher education should ensure the formation of a professionally competent person. The democratization and humanization of the relationships of a lecturer and his/her students, as well as the improvement of the content, forms and methods of teaching of students, should be the priority direction in this process. The article is aimed at reviewing the ways of activating cognitive activity of pedagogical university students in the process of teaching pedagogical psychology to them. The role of the methods in enhancing of students’ professional competence,as well as in the organization of pedagogical interaction between a lecturer and students, is substantiated. The review of scientific literature has shown that cognitive activity is defined as the conscious activity, which is aimed at studying the reality. It is carried throughout the whole life in all kinds of activities and social relations. It consists ofmotivational-volitional, procedural, operational and effective components and is held with the help of cognitive acts of understanding and reflection. The activation of students’ cognitive activity is considered by psychologists and pedagogues as a focused activity of a teacher in order to stimulate interest, to increase activity, creativity and independence of students in the mastering of knowledge and their application in practice. It is also seen as the creative attitude towards the reality, which provides success and gives the nature of independent and creative search for the verity to the student’s learning. There are effective methods of activation of students’ cognitive activity while teaching pedagogical psychology to them: the comparison of approaches to the problem, lecturer’s uncompleted generalization of conclusions, problematic tasks and questions, discussions, analysis of specific situations. Also individual research tasks are used for the activation of student’s cognitive activity. They involve creating presentations on one of the topics of subject. Methods of activation of students’ cognitive activity allow to make the transition from pedagogical psychology as a source of information to pedagogical psychology as a source of communication, from narrow educational tasks to professionallyoriented ones, from the subject-objective relationships of a lecturer and students to pedagogical interaction and
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectпізнавальна діяльність студентівuk
dc.subjectспособи активізації пізнавальної діяльностіuk
dc.subjectпроблемна ситуація в навчанніuk
dc.subjectдіалогічна взаємодіяuk
dc.subjectstudents’ cognitive activityuk
dc.subjectmethods of activation of cognitive activityuk
dc.subjectproblematic situation in teachinguk
dc.subjectdialogic interactionuk
dc.titleВикладання педагогічної психології: від теорії до практикиuk
dc.title.alternativeTeaching pedagogical psychology: from thory to practiceuk
Appears in Collections:2016

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