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dc.contributor.authorКузнецова, І. А.-
dc.contributor.authorKuznetsovа, І. А.-
dc.contributor.authorКузнєцова, Н. М.-
dc.contributor.authorКузнецова, Н. Н.-
dc.contributor.authorKuznietsova, N. N.-
dc.identifier.citationКузнецова, І. А. Самоздійснення як проблема гуманістичної психології / І. А. Кузнецова, Н. М. Кузнєцова // Наука і освіта : наук.-практ. журнал. – 2016. – № 2-3. – С.
dc.description.abstractСтаття розкриває проблеми процесу самоздійснення особистості в юнацькому віці у контексті гуманіс- тичного освітнього процесу. Дається визначення поняття «самоздійснення» з точок зору філософського, акмеологічного, психологічного підходів; розкриваються його специфічні властивості; проаналізовано структурні компоненти цього процесу та виявлено особливості формування самоздійснення в умовах навчальновиховного процесу вищої школи. Надано результати тестування студентів з метою з’ясування особливостей самоздійснення в юнацькому віці..Humanization of education is aimed at the disclosure of individual human potential. Its main goal should be not only the transfer of specific knowledge, but also the formation of an active personality, striving for the development and creativity. To achieve this goal the pedagogical process should be organized in such a way that every student could be the subject of his/her own development. Self-realization is considered as a continuous process of implementing one’s own content, providing the independent choice of the way of interaction with the world as well as responsibility for the committed actions. In order to reveal the peculiarities of self-realization in adolescence and early adulthood there has been conducted an empirical research on the basis of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University. The first- and fourth-year students have taken part in the survey. The obtained experimental data show that first-year students do their best to avoid failures, they are prone to risk. They are also characterized by the external locus of control, which means that girls and boys of this age group are not responsible in their behaviour. This complicates the process of their self-realization. Professional orientation is considered to be rather important for them, which is caused by the idealization of the chosen occupation, insufficient awareness of their potential opportunities and the specificity of the future profession. The fourth-year students are motivated to achieve success in everything they do; most of them are not prone to risk. It speaks for their ability to plan their activities consciously and predict possible results, actively getting into the self-realization process. Most of them are characterized by the internal locus of control, which means they are ready to be responsible for their behaviour and acts. The low level of professional orientation can be explained by the discrepancy between their expectations and real content of their professional training, as well as potential capabilities and their real abilities. In order to provide active self-realization the surveyed should take part in a specially organized psychosocial
dc.publisherПівденноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинськогоuk
dc.subjectструктурні компонентиuk
dc.subjectсутність процесу самореалізаціїuk
dc.subjectспецифічні властивостіuk
dc.subjectгуманізація освітиuk
dc.subjectstructural componentsuk
dc.subjectthe essence of the process of self-realizationuk
dc.subjectspecific propertiesuk
dc.subjecthumanization of educationuk
dc.titleСамоздійснення як проблема гуманістичної психологіїuk
dc.title.alternativeSelf-realization as issue of humanistic psychologyuk
Appears in Collections:2016

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